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Friday, September 27, 2024

Judicial-reform, questioned-by-those-benefited: Lenia-Batres- Grupo Milenio

The minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Lenia Batres Guadarrama, He assured that the reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation can only be questioned and attacked by those who “benefited from the regime of abuses.”excesses and privileges.”

When presenting her second work report, the minister stated that the Judicial Branch of the Federation will cease to exerciseto “supremacy that currently subjugates” to the country and will give way to the “constitutional supremacy”.

What will be the function of the SCJN?

“In a word, the Judiciary will stop exercising the supremacy that currently subjects our Republic, to give way to the constitutional supremacy that we as judges must respect.”

“A reform like this can only be questioned and attacked by those who benefited from the regime of abuses, excesses, privileges, impunity and multiple injustices that the Judiciary protected and protected. For those of us who want an egalitarian, just democratic homeland, in which each person can have hope to develop their potential, exercise their human dignity, the reform opens a watershed in our form of government and in our legal regime,” he noted.

Batres Guadarrama maintained that after the approval of the initiative, now you can see judgmental people who protect “public and social interests, that are trustworthy and supportive of those who entrust them, deposit with them, the suffering of their conflicts.”

He considered that a new era of justice will soon open in Mexico, “the era of democratic justice”, in which the population will elect ministers, magistrates, federal judges, “who will submit to their scrutiny and will be subject to controls that are now lacking.”

“We were in public squares, auditoriums, universities, legislative venues, where we documented the high cost and privileges that the judiciary has, the elitist, classist, sexist, racist biases of its resolutions, in addition to the slowness and its distance from society, of its constant partiality and the recurrence of judging people in practices of nepotism and influence peddling, as well as the recurrent excess of limits,” he pointed out.

Lenia Batres He recalled that since he joined the Court last December, he operated with the principle of “austerity,” Well, he requested the reduction of his earnings to adjust to the limit of article 127.

He detailed that of the 10 fortnights received between April and August of this year, he has returned 389 thousand 33 pesos, in addition to 416 thousand 754 pesos for the corresponding risk payment, for which he returned a total of 805 thousand 787 pesos, in addition to various benefits.

“In addition, I have stopped receiving benefits, the cost of which amounts to 734,141 pesos, which includes major medical expenses insurance for 15,378 pesos, individualized separation insurance for 216,988 pesos, food expenses for 441,430 pesos and non-medical covered by major medical expenses insurance for 60,345 pesos.”

“Between what I returned in cash and the payments that I stopped receiving in this period, I saved the treasury one million 539 thousand 928 pesos, in total since I joined last December to August of this year, I have saved the federation two million 314 With these resources, 1,390 pesos could have been used to pay pensions of 6,000 pesos every two months to 100 older adults. for eight months or one month of the Benito Juárez welfare scholarship to 2,516 primary and secondary students from low-income families enrolled in public schools in our country,” he asserted.

How has Lenia Batres’ work been?

When taking stock of his management, he pointed out that from April to August, he studied and voted on 759 issues, between the Second Chamber and the Plenary Session, From January to August, it voted on 1,249 issues.

“In this second, quarterly accountability exercise, I can report that I presented 177 draft sentences, of which 161 were approved and 10 and 6 rejected in total from January, August and presented 216 drafts in public session, 200 of which They have been approved and 16 rejected and returned to other presentations,” he said.

Furthermore, she assured that during her duties as minister, she has faced “dogmas that the Supreme Court applied automatically and uncritically to resolve the most worrying issues.”

“There are abusive and unconstitutional practices such as the importation of figures foreign to Mexican constitutionalism, such as the so-called deliberative democracy (…) Likewise, the Court invented the figure of reluctance of laws that is determined when their unconstitutionality is resolved and instead of respecting what determine the Legislative Branch in this regard, the Court has supplanted its functions,” he expressed.


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