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Friday, September 27, 2024

IFT extends the validity of 55 commercial broadcasting concessions – Grupo Milenio

Mexico City /

The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) announced that it will extend the validity of 55 concessions, so that they can continue to commercially use the broadcasting frequencies in the Amplitude Modulated bands (AM) and Frequency Modulated (FM), in various parts of the country.

The regulatory agency noted in a statement that these concessionaires will continue to provide coverage to more than 50 million 808 thousand 380 inhabitants.

He added that with this action legal security for dealers of the same to continue providing the radio broadcasting service in the AM and FM bands.

The IFT also highlighted that it will collect, in favor of the Federation Treasury, approximately 422 million 625 thousand 360 pesos as compensation for the granting of said extensions.

The extended concessions will serve the population of 22 states of the Republic, where some have more than 5 concessions, such as Aguascalientes, Baja California, Sinaloa, Sonora and Coahuila.

“Article 28, seventeenth paragraph, of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, gives the IFT powers to grant concessions in the field of radio broadcasting and telecommunications, as well as to set the amount of compensation for their granting, following the opinion of the tax authority,” indicated the regulator.

These commercial use concessions are granted by the regulator in accordance with article 76 section one of the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law (LFTyR) to individuals or legal entities for profit, to provide the radio broadcasting service.

Likewise, the Law provides that concessions can be extended when the concessionaire timely submits its request, is in compliance with its obligations, accepts the new conditions and pays the amount of the consideration.

“To date, the IFT has extended the validity of 1,253 radio stations FM and AM sound, of which 1,030 are for commercial use, which represents a collection of 3,267 million 523,643 pesos to the public treasury,” added the IFT.


IFT extends the validity of 55 commercial broadcasting concessions – Grupo Milenio
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