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New York
Friday, September 27, 2024

‘John’ now afflicts Colima and Michoacán – Grupo Milenio

This Thursday night, hurricane John Category 1 storm was downgraded to a tropical storm and, if it maintains its trajectory, it is expected to make landfall for the second time during the early hours of Friday between Aquila, Michoacán, and Manzanillo, Colima.

He National Weather Service (SMN) noted that at 9:00 p.m. the cyclone was very close to the coast of Michoacan with maximum sustained winds of 110 kilometers per hour.

‘John’ now afflicts Colima and Michoacán – Grupo Milenio
Collapse of structure in the municipality of Marquelia.JC Bautista

This after having impacted on Monday as a category 3 hurricane in Warriorwhere its torrential rains have left 12 dead and two more in Oaxaca.

Furthermore, the SMN recommended to the states of Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Colima and Jalisco take extreme precautions.


The Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) began the application of Plan DN-III-E in Colima and Michoacán due to the possible effects caused by John.

The port of Manzanillo, Colimawas closed for small boats from noon this Thursday and for the rest from 6 a.m. today.

Likewise, the director of Civil Protection in the state, Erick Gonzalezopened the possibility of suspending school, commercial and work activities.

For its part, Civil Protection of Michoacán issued a red alert for 45 municipalities.

He warned that those that are in maximum danger are Aquila, Arteaga, Coahuayana, Chinicuila, Lázaro Cárdenas and Tumbiscatío. In addition, it extended a yellow alert to 25 others.

Keep an eye on the meteorological phenomenon near the Guerrero coast. EFE
Be aware of the meteorological phenomenon near the Guerrero coast. EFE

The governor of Michoacán, Alfredo Ramirez Bedollaordered an operational deployment for the prevention and attention of any emergency and noted that they have 337 temporary shelters in various municipalities.

Furthermore, the State Secretary of Education announced the suspension of classes at all levels in 20 municipalities of Michoacán.

The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) also activated the plan for emergency response in the municipalities with red alert and highlighted that it is already in coordination with Sedena, Secretary of the Navy, National Water Commission and state authorities.

Meanwhile, Sedena reported that it is already evaluating the situation for a possible evacuation of two communities in the municipality of Coahuayana, where some 3,690 people live and which has three temporary shelters and three Operations Coordinating Centers for the application of the DN-III-E Plan in that region, Lázaro Cárdenas and Apatzingán.

Meanwhile, three dams in the state exceeded their storage capacity, so relief work began in La Villita, Adolfo López Mateos and Cointzio, located in Lázaro Cárdenas, Arteaga and Morelia, respectively.

Long lines at a self-service store to purchase groceries. EFE
Long lines at a self-service store to purchase groceries. EFE

Civil Protection reported that four temporary shelters are already enabled in Morelia.

Derived from the bad weather conditions caused by Johnthe National Commission of Protected Natural Areas announced the temporary closure of the Nevado de Toluca volcano, in the State of Mexico.


The passage of hurricane John Guerrero left 12 people dead – four children, three women, two men and three citizens of China -, damages in 28 municipalities, more than 50 thousand houses flooded in Acapulco, as well as eight overflowing riverbeds.

The softening of 24 hills caused landslides and left these fatalities in areas such as Tlacoachistlahuaca, Malinaltepec and Acapulco, in addition to the fall of 12 poles.

It is worth mentioning that a large part of the Diamond Zone of Acapulco is under water.

The effects of John caused havoc on the Acapulco-Zihuatanejo federal highway and alerts due to the increase in stormwater channels in Coyuca de Benítez, San Jerónimo and Tecpan de Galeana, where the highway collapsed at the point known as El Cuajilote.

Relieving work from a dam in Michoacán. Special
Relieving work from a dam in Michoacán. Special

In that sense, Federal Roads and Bridges (Capufe) reported the closure of the Autopista del Sol, from the Palo Blanco booth to the La Venta booth, due to landslides and flooding.

The rains also overflowed the Cerrito Rico dam, so work began to release it, and took the Huacapa River out of its channel in several points of Chilpancingo, where neighbors built trenches to divert the water.

Due to the floods, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Acapulco, Alejandro Martínez Sidneyasked the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador the “urgent reinforcement of the security program” in this sector due to possible robberies and looting.

Meanwhile, John’s impact left two fatalities in Oaxaca; This is a 25-year-old man and a 65-year-old woman from the towns of Santiago Amoltepec and San José Peñasco, who were swept away by the current, reported the Secretary General of the Government, Jesus Romero.

He detailed that until this Thursday there were 1,565 people affected in eight shelters in the coastal area and southern mountains, and reported that the state security forces, the Army and the National Guard have rescued 185 people due to landslides, hills falling and rivers overflowing. .

Romero announced that there are 34 roads closed, five towns without electricity and four federal highways with damage, in addition to the destruction of papaya, lemon and grain crops.

Meanwhile, school activities will continue to be suspended in about 100 municipalities in the mountains and coastal areas.

For this reason, Civil Protection in the state extended a declaration of natural disaster in the coastal area.

September did not forgive: 11 Microseisms shake CdMx

Eleven microseisms, with epicenter in Miguel Hidalgo, Álvaro Obregón and Benito Juarezshook Mexico City between 12:39 a.m. and 11:31 p.m., according to the National Seismological Service.

September did not forgive: 11 microseisms shake CdMx

The movements were also perceived in areas of Coyoacán, Cuauhtémoc and Magdalena Contreras, with a white balance, reported the head of the capital’s Government, Marti Batres.

The first microseism, the most intense, had a magnitude of 2.9 with an epicenter 2 kilometers southeast of Miguel Hidalgo and was felt in several municipalities.

Almost five hours later, at 5:13 a.m., the National Seismological recorded a second event, of magnitude 2 one kilometer from said mayor’s office.

This was followed by another, eight minutes later, magnitude 1 with the same epicenter.

The other microseisms were recorded at 5:31 a.m. and 5:39 a.m. (1 and 1.5) one kilometer southeast of Miguel Hidalgo and at 10:26 (2.4) two kilometers west of Benito Juárez.

They were followed by another one of magnitude 2.2 at 11:41 a.m. one kilometer west of Benito Juárez and another one of magnitude 1.5 at 11:50 a.m. in Álvaro Obregón.

On Thursday it closed with three more movements, one of magnitude 1.4 at 2:31 p.m. in Miguel Hidalgo; the second, 1.7 at 7:51 p.m. with the same epicenter, and the last 2.7 at 11:31 p.m. in Álvaro Obregón.

Batres pointed out that the Secretariat of Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection is on alert.

“We are pending and receiving information… no damage has been reported. “We are going to continue to pay attention to this situation,” she said during the monthly report on the Results of the Violence Against Women Alert.

In turn, said secretary reported, in a statement, that its owner, Myriam Urzúamaintains direct communication with neighborhood representatives of the Alfonso XIII, Molino de Rosas and Lomas de Plateros neighborhoods, in Álvaro Obregón, and Mixcoac, in Benito Juárez, who can request the review of their properties.

He recalled that since 2023, the capital government has financed studies carried out by the Geophysics and Engineering institutes of the UNAM to identify the origin of these microseisms through topographic surveys, as well as characterize the Mixcoac-Plateros fault and its possible effects on the structures. The Secretariat of Comprehensive Risk Management reported that after the microseisms, the corresponding protocols were immediately activated in the 16 municipalities.

Separately, the UNAM reported that from 2023 to 2024, 137 have been presented in the country’s capital: 52 this year and 85 last, mainly in the mayor’s offices. Álvaro Obregón, Magdalena Contreras, Benito Juárez and Miguel Hidalgo.

CdMx was not the only one that experienced a day of shocks. The National Seismological Institute recorded at 1:03 p.m. a magnitude 5.2 movement with the epicenter in Pungarabato, 40 kilometers from Ciudad Altamirano, in the Tierra Caliente region of Guerrero; Although the alert was not activated in CdMx, some offices evacuated their workers.

The earthquake in Warrior It occurred amid the flooding caused by Category 1 Hurricane John.

Almost at the same time, a 4.4 magnitude earthquake was reported southeast of Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz, which did not cause damage to buildings.

At night, two earthquakes of magnitude 4.8 and 3.6 shook the southwest of Tuxtepec, in Oaxaca, and the north of Santa Catarina, in Nuevo León.

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