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Sunday, September 29, 2024

The discussion in the middle of the street between Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia in the final stretch for the birth of their baby

The discussion in the middle of the street between Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia in the final stretch for the birth of their baby

Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia will become parents next December, as announced exclusively in ¡HOLA! magazine, so there are only a couple of months left to welcome your baby. In that context, with many nerves and desire to see their baby’s face, the couple was the protagonist this Sunday of some images that were released and where they are seen arguing in the middle of the street.

Although for some it is an obvious symptom that they are not well, for others it is nothing more than a simple disagreement and does not mean, in the least, that they are going through a serious crisis in their relationship. Be that as it may, the sequence that can be seen in this video occurred this week in the vicinity of the house where they both live, when they went out at night to walk their dog.

At that moment, the camera showed Terelu Campos’ daughter and Mar Flores’ son with displeased gestures, first walking separately and then exchanging words in a tone of obvious anger. A scene of palpable tension captured by Europa Press, which culminates with the especially serious look that the television collaborator dedicates to her boy. After that, they both went back up to the house, although later Alejandra was seen leaving alone again to go buy something at a nearby pharmacy.

In short, a moment of obfuscation that only time will tell if this reflects the difficult coexistence that exists between them, or on the contrary is nothing more than the logical nerves they must feel about being in the final stretch of being parents. Beyond situations like this that affect any couple, what is evident is the excitement that having another member in the family means for everyone.

An example of this is perfectly embodied by Terelu Campos, who is about to become a grandmother and who a couple of days ago starred in a photograph most tender with her daughter. In it, Alejandra’s mother caresses her daughter’s tummy and, who knows, she has felt the movements of what will be her first grandchild. A snapshot taken in the heart of your home that, without a doubt, exudes happiness from all sides.

At the beginning of September, the future mother also answered to all those who do not predict much time together. “We are very well. We are a super solid couple, I feel very cared for and loved, that is why I do not understand the rumors of crisis,” she said about her relationship with Carlo, with whom she has just return from your vacation. At the same time, he categorically denied that “I get along badly with my mother,” he said, because “they are surreal things that don’t happen,” he stated in the program. let’s see.

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