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Sunday, September 29, 2024

a life among elephants, far from the British court

The childhood of Ayesha Shand It was nothing conventional. She remembers excitedly when, as a child, her father told her that he had bought her a pet. She thought it was a little dog and, to her surprise, it was actually an elephant. The anecdote makes complete sense if we take into account that Ayesha is the only daughter of adventurer, writer and environmental conservation activist Mark Shand and former actress Clio Goldsmith. In 2002, Shand, brother of Queen Camilla of England, created the foundation The Elephant Family for the protection of these animals, a commitment that he defended until, in 2014, he died suddenly at the age of 62. Since then, Ayesha—which in Arabic means ‘hope’—has championed this cause, among many others, such as those related to women’s and mental health. She is a defender of the fight against endometriosis (a painful disease that she herself suffers from and that is not sufficiently researched) and is ambassador of The Cyclewhich strives to improve gender equality through the provision of water, sanitation and menstrual education programs.

a life among elephants, far from the British court© TheCrew
Ayesha, the only daughter of adventurer, writer and environmental conservation activist Mark Shand, grew up in Rome. In 2008 he returned to London and today lives in New York. In the image, with Hermès ‘total look’.

He grew up in Rome, in 2008 he returned to London and now lives in New York. From there and in perfect Spanish—a language she speaks along with Italian and French—Ayesha tells us about her work as brand director for several non-profit organizations, a job she combines with her professional side. “I work in the art world and in the hotel, restaurant and events sector, but philanthropy is what motivates me,” he tells us.

HELLO+4183 Fashion Ayesha Shand© TheCrew
Above these lines, the young philanthropist poses with a Simorra blazer, a Barbour shirt, a Sportmax skirt, La Veste printed boots, a Monste Esteve ring and a Crusset necklace.

“My aunt and I are very close. I admire her strength of character, her discretion and stoicism,” he reveals about his relationship with the wife of King Charles III of England.

—For those who don’t know you, how would you define yourself in a few words?

—I think it’s very difficult to define yourself… I wish I could describe myself as mysterious and coolbut I think people know me within five minutes (laughs). I am very open, determined and talkative. I love meeting new people, that’s why I speak so many languages!

—What prompted you to continue your father’s legacy in The Elephant Family?

—I think it was my father’s attitude that encouraged me to keep his love for philanthropy alive. My father was always willing to work and defend what he believed in; In his mind, anything was possible. In fact, I think my father told me that ‘Tara’, the elephant he gave me, was like my sister. She was definitely his favorite daughter! (laughs again).

“I am very open, determined and talkative. I love meeting new people, that’s why I speak so many languages!” confesses Ayesha, who expresses herself perfectly in Italian, French and Spanish

HELLO+4183 Fashion Ayesha Shand© TheCrew
The philanthropist poses in a Carolina Herrera shirt and skirt.

—In January, you made public your fight against endometriosis, a very brave gesture.

—endometriosislike all women’s health problems, is barely researched and little discussed. Despite affecting one in ten women, diagnosis and treatment options are very limited and, as it is related to menstruation, in many societies it is considered ‘taboo’ to talk about it. This leaves women desperate, isolated and in extreme pain. I was tired of feeling alone in all of this. I hoped that sharing my story would bring more information to light about this disease and, most of all, help more women talk about it and ask for help without feeling alone.

—Is that also why you decided to create a charity organization related to this disease?

—I wish I had created my own organization! Maybe one day. But I do support two organizations that deal with the issue in different ways. The Cycle addresses period poverty in India: currently, one in five girls drops out of school due to social taboos, around menstruation and the lack of medical and health services. The Endometriosis Foundation of America strives to increase awareness of the disease, offer support, provide information from surgical experts and fund research.

HELLO+4183 Fashion Ayesha Shand© TheCrew
Ayesha, in the image with a ‘total look’ by Max Mara and Roger Vivier shoes, collaborates with several foundations related to women’s and mental health.

—By the way, you had to undergo surgery. How are you feeling?

—Yes, in February, the incredible Dr. Seckin operated on me in New York. He has developed a new technique to remove endometriosis tissue. This involves excision surgery and the use of dyes to find deep tissue. The operation changed my life! For 15 years, I spent a week a month in bed, in extreme pain: unable to walk, vomiting, and depressed. Now I live without pain. It seems like a dream to me!

—Specifically, what does your work in these charities consist of?

—I am a brand director, in fact, I help these organizations with fundraising, public relations and ensuring partnerships with brands and famous personalities that help make these causes visible.

HELLO+4183 Fashion Ayesha Shand© TheCrew
HELLO+4183 Fashion Ayesha Shand© TheCrew
Above these lines, with an outfit from La Veste, and jewelry from Rabat and, above, with a ‘total look’ by Alberta Ferretti, and jewelry from Crusset.

—We can’t help but ask you about your aunt, Queen Camilla. How is your relationship with her? Do you have a lot of complicity? Do you usually ask him for advice?

—Yes, we are very close. I admire his strength of character, his discretion and stoicism. She helped me a lot when my father died.

—Now you are far from her, in New York. Do you like living there?

—Yes, I love New York. It’s a city that keeps you alert and challenges you constantly!

—Have you thought about returning to London, or do you see yourself living forever in the United States?

—I hope to stay in the United States for a long time. I feel at home. Having lived all over the world, I have never felt very British. New York It is the ideal city for those who feel like they don’t belong anywhere.

HELLO+4183 Fashion Ayesha Shand© TheCrew
“I don’t follow trends, I love wearing things that look good on me. In this shoot, I look much more glamorous than I am,” admits the daughter of Mark Shand and former French actress Clio Goldsmith who, on these lines, wears ‘ total look’ by Marni.

“In my father’s mind anything was possible and he was always willing to stand up for what he believed in. It was his attitude that drove me to keep his love of philanthropy alive”

—In this report, you pose with autumn trends. What is your relationship with fashion?

—I don’t follow the tendenciesI love wearing clothes that fit me well. In this shoot, I look much more glamorous than I am. If I could, I would only wear Connolly suits and Wales Grace Bonner sneakers.

—What do you like to do most in your free time?

—I love walking down the West Side Highway, dressing up, going to the Metropolitan Opera, and driving upstate on the weekends.

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