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Friday, September 27, 2024

Energy transition and sovereignty in fuels, pending AMLO- Grupo Milenio

Energy transition and sovereignty in fuels, pending AMLO- Grupo Milenio

The president Andrés Manuel López Obrador He fulfilled some energy commitments assumed at the beginning of his administration; However, there are also some pending issues such as achieving self-sufficiency in fuels, prohibiting the technique of hydraulic fracturing for the extraction of hydrocarbons and promoting the development of renewable energy sources.

One of the most relevant commitments of the energy sector was to promote the development of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal and tidal energy.

According to the latest update of the President’s 100 commitments, with the purpose of increase energy production, the generation of renewable energyan example, is the photovoltaic solar project Puerto Penascothe largest solar park in Latin America.

According to the Mexican Wind Energy Association (AMDEE), there are 30 generation parks detained wind electricwhich together amount to 10 billion dollars in investments. some of which are already ready to enter into operation.

Another commitment was not to resort to extraction methods that affect nature and deplete water sources, specifically the use of hydraulic fracturing technique known as frackingwhich has been fulfilled in agreement with the Executive.

Meanwhile, the Mexican Alliance Against Fracking, the prohibition is not in any law, so the LXVI legislature has the opportunity to “make its debut” by approving a constitutional reform that prohibit the extraction of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in oil fields unconventional through hydraulic fracturing.

“Gasoline us and blackouts”

An objective that was not achieved was to decentralize and bring the Ministry of Energy (Sener), Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) to Tabasco, Campeche and Chiapas respectively.

Although they are not included in the 100 commitments of his government, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that his government would achieve eliminate dependence on gasoline importsHowever, the president himself acknowledged that fuel sovereignty will not be achieved.

Another pending issue that remains in the sector is strengthening transmission and distribution lines to reduce the incidence of blackouts.

Regarding the achievements, the commitments were aimed at not increasing the price of gasoline, gas, diesel and electricity, and only updating in accordance with the inflationso the government assured that there are no gasoline.

The average price of magna gasoline in November was 22 pesos per liter nationwide, in September 2024 the average price is 24 pesos per liter.

The impact of refineries

One commitment was to rehabilitate the six refineries and build a new one in Tabasco. The government indicates that it was fulfilled since a comprehensive rehabilitation program was developed in the six existing refineries and progress is being made in the process plants.

In addition to this, the administration acquired the entire stake in the refinery in Deer Park, Texas, in the United States, so the six-year term will conclude with a total production of 1.7 million barrels per day of crude oil233 percent more than the crude oil process at the end of 2018, according to data from the State productive company.

Additionally, Pemex reported that the newly built refinery, refines crude oil in intermediate processes and so far in July it averages a contribution of 100 thousand barrels per day, which has begun its contribution to the national fuel supply.

In addition, there is a commitment to increase public investment for oil and gas production, which has managed to stabilize the decline in oil production that occurred in the last administration.

Another of the commitments that the administration indicates as achieved is to stop the dismantling of the CFE, modernize existing plants and prioritize hydroelectric plants.

The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador maintained that the CFE carries out an extensive maintenance program in State facilities to restore its generation capacity, highlighting what has been done in 57 hydroelectric plants, 19 thermoelectric plants, 20 combined cycle plants, three coal plants, four geothermal and in the nuclear power Green Lagoon.


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