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from her family of models to her life in Ibiza

At 56 years old, Mark Vanderloo maintains his attractiveness and that charisma that made him one of the most sought-after male models in the world. There remain for posterity the advertising campaigns that monopolized between the nineties and the two thousand. It was a time in which he formed the best tandem with Esther Cañadas, whom he married in June 1999 and separated in December of the following year.

But Mark soon rebuilt his love life with the Dutch actress and model Robinevan der Meer, whom he ended up marrying in 2021. Currently, the couple has two children: Emma and Mark. He little one, who turns 19 on November 4, is also making its way into fashion. In fact, we were able to see him with his father at the Pedro del Hierro fashion show in Madrid, with which the brand celebrated its 50 years of history. There, we were able to talk to the two Marks and, among many other things, they told us what those years were like when they lived in Ibiza with their entire family.

from her family of models to her life in Ibiza

— Tell us, what do you think of Pedro del Hierro’s new collection?

—MARK PADRE: I love the designs, the colors, the garments and the fabrics.

—MARK SON: Yes, it is classic and very elegant. I love the mix of dark and light colors. Anyone can find something they like in the collection, which is wonderful. There are a lot of different designs in this collection. It’s wonderful. What I’ve seen, the fabrics and the way it falls feels on the body… It’s very difficult to make proper knitwear that feels good. I remember that my first knitted item was given to me by Giorgio Armani in 1994 and it was one of my favorite items. But I lent it to a friend and he lost it… Since then, I’ve been looking for the right knitted garment, because I know how difficult it is. But in this collection there are items that I am going to try.

—You parade together again and we see more and more of you working together.

—P: Only when it is something very special (laughs).

—What is it like to work together?

—P: Well, it’s difficult for me because, once the party starts and I drink some wine, he tells me: “Dad, you have to go home” (laughs). It’s probably getting harder and harder.

—H: No, it’s always a pleasure (laughs). I like being with my father and I also have a drink. But, of course, we take care of each other and that makes us closer.

—Do you feel more secure when you work together or worry that everything goes well with the other?

—P: I never look at him. The first job we did together was in Marrakech and I began to admire him… There the photographer told me: “Mark, please leave here, I want to have proper contact with Mark.” That’s when I realized that the photographer was very right. Now, Mark knows I’m around, but I’m not looking like I’m a judge. I let him do his things, because whatever he does is perfect.

—H: Working together is something very natural. We have been doing it for a long time and it is always something natural and fun.

—When was your first photo session together?

—Q: It was in New York and Mark was six years old.

—H: For a magazine.

—P: At Christmas, I think. Some time later, we worked together again in New York, and the next time, in Paris, where Mark was already about ten years old. We only did three jobs together before he started on his own at 14.

—Mark Sr., what do you think that your son has followed in your footsteps? Are you proud of him or do you prefer that he had followed his own path?

—P: He has always made his own path. Mark is very creative and talented, so he will always find his passion and always take his own path. It’s great that he can work in this because he likes it a lot, but he could be a producer, musician, rapper, actor… There is an explosion of creativity in him and he is probably going to take a totally different direction.

—Mark Jr., I don’t know if you are aware of how important your father has been in the fashion industry, although I suppose it has always been something normal for you.

—H: Yes, it’s normal.

—P: Everyone has a father like that. It’s very normal (laughs).

—Having a father who is so attractive and who is a top model?

—P: (Laughs).

—H: It’s cool, but it’s something normal for me. I notice when there are times that people approach him and ask for a photo. Otherwise, it’s normal.

—Which of the two is more successful when it comes to flirting?

—P: We will check it tonight. It’s not a competition.

—H: I prefer people to approach me, to be honest. I feel like I’m very successful. But I’ve never seen my father flirt…

—P: I’m married!

—H: Yes! (laughs). I think I defend myself well.

—And as a father, what is Mark Vanderloo like?

—H: He can be a calm father or not so calm. It depends, it can go both ways, so I couldn’t tell you. When we go out to do things or on filming, he suddenly gets a burst of energy.

—How do your friends react when they find out who your father is?

—H: When I was in school, it was a little like “Wow.” They were looking for us and it was crazy. But I reacted normally, because, for me, he is my father.

—And what is he like, Mark Sr.?

—P: Terrible! (laughs). It’s a joke. He is very good and a very responsible boy. He has all the good things about me and my wife… He is very kind and gentle. He is a very social person and it is something wonderful to see.

—How long have you been married to your wife?

—P: We have been together for 21 years.

© Leticia Díaz de la Morena

—What is the secret of a marriage like yours?

—P: Have wonderful children (laughs).

© robinevdm

—A wonderful woman, I suppose.

—P: Yes, I guess (laughs).

© robinevdm

—Where are you residing now? Because you lived in Ibiza for a long time.

—Q: Now, between Amsterdam and Andorra.

—When did you leave the island?

—Q: About ten years ago. But we still have a summer house.

—Having known the whole world for work, why did you choose Ibiza to raise your family?

—P: For a family matter. I was in New York when 9/11 happened. Although I stayed there for a couple of more years, I really liked Ibiza and I thought: “I want to retire from the business a little and not have such a busy life.” In the end, I decided in 2003. Later, I met my wife and we had our children, when I already had my house in Ibiza.

—What do you miss about your life in Ibiza?

—P: I like it a lot, but in the end, it is very restrictive in winter, because it is an island and it is not so easy to travel from there. Since I really like skiing, I moved to Andorra, which is a place that I love. Being Dutch, we also have a house in Amsterdam and it is easier to travel from Andorra, since I can drive to the airport from Barcelona and fly at any time. That does not happen in Ibiza, where there are very few flights in winter. But in summer I can go to the island.

—Mark Jr., you grew up in Ibiza. How do you remember that life?

—H: Very quiet, on the beach and almost without worries… Quite pleasant. It was a very pleasant stage of my life. I love Ibiza.

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