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Sara Carbonero’s sister gives birth to her second child: ‘Now, we are all here’

Irene, Sara Carbonero’s sister, She has given birth to her second child together with her husband, Patricio Martínez . It was Irene herself who shared the good news through her social networks: “Calm down. Now, we are all here.” Some words that the journalist’s sister accompanied with the song You just have to let me knowby the artist Dani Fernández, and which talks about “the importance of love and protection of your loved ones.” This baby increases the family that the couple had already formed with Leo, their first-born, born in February 2022 and who now becomes the older brother.

Sara Carbonero’s sister gives birth to her second child: ‘Now, we are all here’© Europa Press

Very discreet with their personal life

Despite Sara’s great popularity, Irene Carbonero has always stayed away from the media spotlight and both she and her husband have carried discretion as their flag. Even so, it is known that both Patricio and Irene They studied psychologyshe at the Complutense University of Madrid, and her husband did it at the University of Jaén. Currently, Patricio works for a leading company in the online cruise sales sector. Very familiar, both are very close to Sara and her children.

Sara Carbonero at the Pedro del Hierro party in Madrid© Getty Images

The best of joys for your aunt Sara

This baby fills the life of the well-known journalist with joy that since May 2019, doctors detected a malignant tumor in an ovary during a routine check-up. The communicator had to undergo surgery and face six cycles of chemotherapy. Two years later, he underwent a new intervention and it was said that he had had a fall, but his closest circle denied it. At the end of 2022, she underwent surgery again.

Irene, 35 years old, has been a great support for Sara during her most difficult time in terms of her health. He did not leave her side during his stay in the hospital and also during the chemotherapy process. Furthermore, she goes out of her way to care for her nephews and, according to Sara, Martín is a lot like her: “When you realize that they have gone out to the aunt… Every time I look at this photo I drool “, he published along with a photo in which Irene posed with his eldest nephew, of whom he is baptism godmother.

Sara Carbonero shows the scar that runs across her abdomen© alex.varo
Sara Carbonero shows the scar that runs across her abdomen

Very close to her family

Thanks to the support of her sister and her loved ones, Sara faced her illness with great strength and optimism, although she also recently confessed that He went “four months” without looking in a mirror: “I ran away from them because I didn’t recognize the person they showed me.” In those difficult moments his sister was his great support. This is how the journalist thanked her little sister for everything she has done for her: “Life made us reverse roles and you had to take care of meto us, being the little sister.”

“A test that you didn’t have to live through but that has made you even bigger: How much you have suddenly grown. This last year we have shared moments of all colors and except for two times you have never lost the smile on your face, those eyes that They shine brighter than anyone else and they laugh even though they are broken inside,” Sara began by saying about Irene, with which it is four years apart. “One of the most difficult things, when situations arrive that throw everything off and break your plans, is to understand and accept that life sometimes has no logic, that destiny makes mistakes and that although I should be the one to protect you and look out for you, it has been quite the opposite,” he added.

Sara Carbonero with Slowlove openwork knit dress© @saracarbonero

Two sisters passionate about travel

Although they are basically very different, the Carbonero sisters share their taste for travel, clothes, tattoos and music. In addition, the two are very close to their mother, Goyi Arévalo, who has also recently gone through a health downturn.

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