18.3 C
New York
Friday, September 27, 2024

The dark story behind the disappearance in Valencia of little Luis Eduardo, son of the Colombian artist Lowe León

Luis Eduardo, the two-year-old boy who was listed as missing in Bétera, Valencia, is located and is with his mother outside of Spain, according to sources from the Civil Guard. These same sources have explained that a procedure regarding the custody of the minor between his parents is currently underway, the Colombian singer and composer Lowe León and the Colombian lawyer Liceth Córdoba.

The dark story behind the disappearance in Valencia of little Luis Eduardo, son of the Colombian artist Lowe León© licethcordobar

As it appeared in the National Center for Missing Persons, the organization that coordinates information on missing persons in Spain, the little boy was last seen on September 20 in the Valencian town where his father resides. To find his whereabouts as soon as possible, citizen collaboration was requested. Your help is essential, they said, sharing the telephone number of the Civil Guard (062) and that of the ANAR Foundation, which helps children and adolescents at risk (116000).

It was quickly reported that the child, who will turn three years old in December, was safe and sound in Colombia with his mother, who explained in statements to Lift-EMV who left Spain due to harassment from Lowe León. “I return legally to Colombia fleeing to safeguard my life and my stability“, he said. In addition, he assured that he had notified his ex-partner of this trip and that on March 8 they signed an agreement that authorized the custody and personal care of the minor. “I came with my 15 suitcases, not like a criminal.” , he clarified.

Colombian lawyer Liceth Córdoba with her son Luis Eduardo© licethcordobar

On his social networks, Liceth shared a video of his return to Colombia along with the following message: “My lawyers ensured that my departure from Spain was legal. Lowe, you are not the law. I left with fear for your achievements, but I arrived in Bogotá crying with happiness. My empathy overwhelmed you, I would never have wanted for my son’s sake for this to become one of the so-called fame numbers that you like. Although we love Spain, we are Colombians.”

Lowe León, for his part, denies that his ex told him of his desire to return to Colombia. “They have violated my exercise of parental authority“is the only thing he said to the newspaper Lift-EMV. Hours later, the singer wrote this quote on his social networks: “Silence is not always cowardice, sometimes it is prudence and other times it is intelligence.”

At the end of August, the Colombian artist was arrested for an alleged crime of coercion in the family and habitual mistreatment. ““They are insults, not letting her live the life she wants, physical attacks… all of this to create an ecosystem of terror around her so that she returns to her country alone without her son,” said the complainant’s lawyer. Lowe León denied these accusations before the judge and attributed Liceth’s complaint to a financial disagreement in the divorce proceedings.

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