In Despicable Me 4, Gru is back with his quirky family and beloved Minions, facing a new threat to the world as he juggles life as a reformed villain, husband, and father of three daughters. This time, he is drawn out of his quiet life when a mysterious and powerful villain named “Vesper” emerges. Vesper’s plan? To unleash a device capable of amplifying human emotions, causing chaos and discord worldwide. Gru, who once reveled in mischief himself, realizes he’s the only one who can understand Vesper’s twisted logic enough to counter her plan.
Alongside his wife Lucy, who’s eager to teach Gru how to be a little more “normal,” and his girls, who have all grown into new and unique personalities, Gru sets off to infiltrate Vesper’s lair. Meanwhile, the Minions find themselves caught up in their own side quests and chaotic hijinks, especially when they stumble upon Vesper’s loyal Minion counterpart — a bizarro crew of Minions who have been trained to be disciplined and effective. The two Minion teams, as well as Gru’s family, must come together to outwit Vesper and her army.
As the final showdown begins, Gru is forced to confront his past as a villain and come to terms with the lessons he wants to pass on to his daughters. Together with the Minions, Gru and his family save the day, with an ending that leaves room for more adventures but neatly wraps up their personal journeys.
Despicable Me 4 delivers exactly what fans of the franchise expect: heart, humor, and plenty of Minion mischief. While the plot feels familiar, with Gru once again facing a new villain who mirrors his own dark past, the film adds enough fresh elements to keep audiences engaged. The exploration of Gru as a father and mentor to his girls provides emotional depth, as the three daughters — each facing unique challenges as they grow up — add warmth to the storyline. Lucy, Gru’s wife, has a stronger presence in this film, and her dynamic with Gru adds a new layer to the family theme.
Vesper, the new villain, adds a thrilling edge. Her motivation is not simply world domination but manipulation of emotions, which makes her character a formidable and intriguing antagonist. Her bizarro team of Minions also adds an interesting twist, showing what the Minions could be like if they were competent and disciplined, setting up some fun and chaotic battles.
The Minions, of course, steal the show with their humor, blending slapstick comedy and clever sight gags that appeal to both kids and adults. Their side plot with Vesper’s Minion team is hilarious, providing some of the movie’s funniest moments. The animation quality remains high, with vibrant visuals and inventive set pieces that make the world of Despicable Me feel fresh.
While Despicable Me 4 may not break new ground for the franchise, it’s a joyful and heartfelt return to a beloved cast of characters. Fans of Gru, his family, and the Minions will find plenty to love in this fun, family-friendly movie, with humor that appeals to all ages and enough emotion to make it a satisfying addition to the series.