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Friday, September 27, 2024

Cuitláhuac García says goodbye to AMLO after visiting Veracruz – Grupo Milenio

The governor of Veracruz, Cuitlahuac Garciastated that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will go down in history as the best president of Mexico of all time, and noted that it is a pride to have a “chocojarocho” leader.

At the inauguration of the cultural center ‘Reform Laws’García acknowledged having mixed feelings about the Tabasco native’s last act in the state as President of the Republic.

“I don’t know exactly how to describe it anymore, because the words get stuck in my throat, and they are only softened by the light drops contained in my pupils… That’s why I apologize, but it’s better to let it all out, it’s the feeling of an entire people who saw him travel through and transform our state and our country,” he commented.

“It is a source of pride to have a president from the Choco Jarocho region, the only one, the best of all time,” he added.

Likewise, the Morena leader highlighted that Lopez Obrador visited the state of Veracruz 296 timesfrom 2015 to date.

“Seeing him as president after nine years is a pleasure, it is a hopeful nostalgia for what is to come, a memorable farewell, an indelible memory, an endearing presence,” said the governor.

Cuitláhuac García recalled that in the century before last, a conservative group opposed the reforms to the Constitution, which, according to him, were intended end privileges.

“A character appeared, I know that some want to give this character the surname of a fruit, but I’m not talking about who you already know, andI am talking about another person, look, that person practically attempted a coup d’état, the conservative group came out, they announced a plan because they wanted to ask for the privileges of their group to end, they did not want the injustices to end,” he stressed.

The governor specified that the person in question was Ignacio Comonfort and that the coastal state is ready to continue supporting the movement of the fourth transformation.

“As for fruit and preservatives, we eat those with chili and in slices, because the people of Veracruz are already too politicized,” he said.

“President, you have said that history will judge us, but the people have already judged you. Long live the best president in Mexico!” he concluded.


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