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Monday, October 21, 2024

They will improve Cabo San Lucas with 688.4 million pesos – Grupo Milenio

The Secretariat of Marine published the Master Development Program of the port of Cabo San Lucas 2024-2029, which details that 688 million 397 thousand 95 pesos will be allocated over the next five years for its expansion and maintenance.

According to the document from the Administration of the National Port System (Asipona) Cabo San Lucasnew works and modernization of infrastructure and equipment are planned by both the Administration of the National Port SystemCabo San Lucas as dealers.

Figures from the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant fleet they point out that Cabo San Lucas It is the second port with the most tourists per cruise receives in the Mexican Pacific, since between January and August 2024 448,444 arrived, only surpassed by Covewhich registered 663 thousand 493 in the same period.

They affirm that last year it received 735,686 passengers in 236 cruises, close to reaching the maximum figure recorded in 2011 and representing on average 23 percent of the total movement of tourist vessels and passengers that arrived on the Pacific coast.

“Its location allows cruises from USA They arrive easily and quickly, which also drives their economic growth,” explained Asipona. Cabo San Lucas.

In terms of projections, they predict that the arrival of cruises in the next five years; in terms of passengers They expect it to grow at an annual average of 2.76 to 4.59 percent.

During 2024 each cruise is leaving an average of 299.7 thousand dollars in the country. spill economic, that is, around 5.9 million pesos, according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) with the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine.


The Asipona document Cabo San Lucas details that the investment estimated in goals for construction and modernization of infrastructure and equipment of the Administration of the National Port System of Cabo San Lucas is 178 million pesos, which will be mainly in replacement and construction of springs.

Regarding infrastructure maintenance goals and equipment is 173.3 million pesos. While the maintenance objectives of infrastructure and equipment by the concessionaires, as well as new works, will add up to a total of 337.1 million pesos.

The program establishes that the port Cabo San Lucasalong with several from the Sea of ​​Cortez, located in Baja California Surhave mainly and preponderantly, vocation tourgiven that Cruise ships are served in its port facilities to those arriving travelers who come looking for the destinations of sun and beach of the state, and workers from the tourist industry are also served, who flow between the continental massif and the peninsula.


The Secretariat of Marine identified in the document two lines of business for the port infrastructure and services of the port of Cabo San Lucas: the cruises and nautical tourism.

Regarding boats with travelers, he explained that it is the line of business with the highest level of movement in the state and that more interested in expanding.

These cruises come from ports that are part of the Mexican Pacific Routehighlighting Ensenada, Mazatlan, Topolobampo and Vallarta, and having as their main starting point the US states of California and Washington, and Vancouver, in Canada.

Regarding marinas and nautical tourism, he explained that, historically, The port is a destination to practice these activitiesthat means that they offer different services on boats such as tours in the Bay, as well as fishing trips. sports for visitors who arrive at the port mainly by air.

“The above, primarily, due to two factors: there are no nautical connections to or from the major confluence points or origin, such as the northern area of ​​Baja California, Los Angeles and San Diego in the United States, and the second reason is due to a stationed fleet that serves tourism hotelier”, he explained in the Asipona Master Program.


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