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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Operations requested to contain looting and pillaging in Acapulco – Grupo Milenio

Before the passage of hurricane John by Guerrero, the Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Acapulco (Canaco Acapulco), He asked the authorities to carry out a permanent operation to contain any looting and pillaging that may occur.

Through a statement, the president of the sector group, Alejandro Martínez Sidney, mentioned that it is necessary to prevent looting of businesses, however, On the night of Monday, September 23, an attempted robbery was reported at the Sam’s located between Farallón and Plaza Sendero streets.

“Actions are being taken to meet this demand, which is why there is a permanent police presence in conjunction with the National Guard and the state police in the most essential businesses for social stability,” explained Martínez Sidney.

What did the group ask for?

The business group of Acapulco He pointed out that for this reason close collaboration has been maintained with both local and state authorities, so that efforts can be coordinated to ensure an effective response to any attempt at looting. to commercial establishments and businesses.

In this sense, the Acapulco Chamber of Commerce He stressed that he is also working with local and state authorities to coordinate efforts and ensure an effective response to the emergency.

“Solidarity and joint work between the business group, the authorities and the business community have been key to addressing this challenge, and security will always be a priority for the progress and economic development of Acapulco,” he said.

The business leader commented that The Acapulco Chamber of Commerce has been fundamental in promoting the economic and social development of the regionand its role in the response to prevent the meteorological phenomenon, which has been crucial to mitigate the effects of the hurricane. John.

What did the headline say? Canaco Acapulco?

“There are WhatsApp groups that have been detected to attack with robbery and looting, so this situation has already been reported to 089,In addition, there is a complaint from the Acapulco Chamber of Commerce.”he explained.

“Investigations are already underway in this regard, because there is intelligence work on the part of the Cyber ​​police to find the leaders of these WhatsApp groups who are causing or trying to make a plot against trade.”

Due to this circumstance, He pointed out that 120 companies in the municipality have personal protection from local and state police and the National Guard.in order to prevent these crimes in pharmacies, convenience stores, as well as areas near public transportation.

Losses by John

The president of the sector group commented that Approximately 20 thousand businesses have closed their doors in the municipality of Acapulco due to the hurricane John, which generated a loss of 5 billion pesos.

He said that approximately 90% of businesses remain closed to avoid damage.

“There are only four establishments operating out of the 2,500 companies located in the first square of the city, due to the closure of businesses caused by the impact of the hurricane and obviously this is to mitigate mobility in the city, as well as to prevent people from going out,” he explained.

Alejandro Martínez estimated that the closures will continue until Thursday, which could cause an economic loss. above 10 billion pesos.


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