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Discover how to gain strength and tone without having to lift weights

If you are one of those people who have to travel frequently or do not have the necessary space to store home training materialyou’ve probably wondered how to maintain a rEffective strength exercise routine without depending on weights. Fortunately, there is a solution that combines efficiency and portability: resistance tapes. These elastic bands can replicate the effort of lifting weights of up to 15kg, making them an indispensable tool for those looking to maintain their level of physical activity no matter where they are. Beatriz Ruiz, Fitness Market Leader At Decathlon Spain, he explains to us what these ‘weights’ are like and why it is important that you get some because you can even carry them in your bag.

– Read: The best bands and elastic bands for toning

The importance of strength exercise

As we have already explained on many other occasions, the strength training is essential for the general well-being. Beyond helping you achieve an aesthetic goal, the muscle mass development contributes to the improvement of physical resistance, increased metabolisminjury prevention, and strengthening bones and joints. Additionally, performing strength exercises regularly can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and improve quality of life as we age.

A mistake that many of us make is associating strength training with the exclusive use of weights, bars or gym machines. However, this type of resistance exercise can be done very effectively so you can get the same benefits using elastic bands. This type of material offers a practical and adaptable alternative to strengthen all muscle groups.

Discover how to gain strength and tone without having to lift weights© Getty Images

What are resistance tapes?

Resistance bands are elastic bands designed to provide tension when stretched, creating a opposing force that the muscles must overcome.

This resistance simulates the effect of lifting weights, but with the added advantage that lThe tapes are extremely light and portable.

There are different types of bands with resistance levels ranging from 5 kg up to 60 kgallowing the training intensity to be adjusted according to the user’s needs and objectives.

As the expert points out, this type of material can perfectly replace other traditional strength equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, bars or discs, and thus offer an alternative way to work the muscles without needing to take up a lot of space.

resistance tapes They are suitable for anyone who wants to improve their physical conditionfrom beginners to experienced athletes. Its resistance level can be adjusted according to fitness and individual goals. For example, those who search build muscle mass (hypertrophy) can opt for higher resistance bands, while those focused on improving flexibility or in the rehabilitation of an injury They can use bands with less resistance.

Another significant advantage is its ability to improve flexibility and mobility. When performing exercises with elastic bands, you also the joints are workedwhich helps prevent injuries and improve range of motion. Elastic bands are also an excellent option to prepare the body before a more intense workout, serving as a warm-up tool to activate the muscles and prevent tension or discomfort.

– Read: 5 advantages of training strength with elastic bands

How is resistance measured?

The resistance of an elastic band is measured by the amount of force needed to stretch it. A band with a resistance of 15 kg requires a force of 15 kg to be stretched to 200% of its original size.

The more the band is stretched, the greater the force needed to maintain the movement, creating continuous tension that the muscles must overcome.

Thus, choosing the appropriate resistance level will depend on the exercises to be performed and the experience level of each person. For those new to strength training, it is advisable to start with low resistance bands. As the body adapts and the muscles get stronger, the resistance level can be progressively increased to continue challenging the body.

However, for certain exercises, such as assisted pull-ups, it may be advisable to use high resistance bands. In this case, the band facilitates the pulling movement, helping to complete the exercise without compromising technique.

Group of people doing Pilates with bands© Adobe Stock

What muscles can be worked?

Resistance bands allow you to work practically all muscle groups in the body. In the upper body, muscles such as the chest, back, shoulders and arms. In the lower body, it is possible to work legs and buttocks effectively. The versatility of the bands allows you to perform a wide variety of exercises that activate different muscles and can be adjusted to individual needs.

It is essential to pay attention to technique when using resistance bands to avoid injury. As with any type of exercise, it is important start with controlled movements and using a low resistance band before progressing to higher intensity. Conditioning your body by performing the exercises with lower resistance bands will help you become familiar with the movements and develop proper technique. Besides, It is essential to warm up before starting any exercise routine in order to prepare muscles and joints for physical effort.

– Read: Pilates with elastic bands: 7 exercises for beginners

Eight recommended exercises with resistance bands

There are many exercises that can be performed with this type of material. The fitness expert recommends we start with these:

  1. Biceps Curl. Step on the band with both feet and hold the ends with your hands. She flexes her elbows, bringing her hands toward her shoulders, activating her biceps.
  2. triceps cup. Hold one end of the band behind your head and stretch your arms up, activating your triceps.
  3. Squats. Place the band under your feet and hold the ends at shoulder height. Perform a squat, making sure to keep your back straight, to work your glutes and quads.
  4. Scissors. With the band around his ankles, he performs forward lunges, focusing on the quads and glutes.
  5. Military ‘Press’. Stand on the band and push the ends above your head, working your shoulder muscles.
  6. back row. Sit with your legs extended, wrap the band around your feet and pull the ends toward your torso to strengthen your back.
  7. Scapular retraction. Tie the band to a stationary bar at chest height and pull it toward you, activating your upper back and shoulder muscles.
  8. Lateral raises. Step on the band with one foot and raise your arms to the sides, activating the deltoids.

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