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The books you have to buy on World Heart Day

As you may know, the next Sunday, September 29 is World Heart Day, a key date in which experts in medicine and, above all, in cardiovascular health take the opportunity to emphasize prevention. And, according to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases continue to be the leading cause of disability and premature death in Europe, representing more than 42.5% of annual deaths. And, contrary to popular belief, women are the most affected.

The mortality associated with a first heart attack in women is up to 20% greater than in mens. In fact, heart disease, including stroke, claims the life of a woman every 6 minutes in Europe and every 60 seconds in the US. “These are figures that are impressive and that many today are unaware of. However, they should know that they can be prevented and avoided by knowing the main specific cardiovascular risk factors in women and following a series of healthy lifestyle habits. But it has to be done day by day, from childhood and at all stages of a woman’s life,” says Dr. Leticia Fernández-Friera, promoter of the Women’s Heart Movement and founder of ATRIA Clinic. And what can we do to take care of our hearts?

For the experts of the Woman Heart Movement The keys to keeping the female heart in good condition fall into six very specific areas: physical exercise, diet, habits, check-ups, research and awareness campaigns. And they give us the fundamental keys:

  1. move your heart: Greater physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease by 30-40%. For this reason, the WHO recommends doing at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity or between 75 and 150 minutes of intense exercise weekly. Aerobic activities such as brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing tennis or dancing improve circulation, which promotes adequate blood pressure and heart rate. Strength training (with weights, barbells or resistance bands or push-ups, squats and pull-ups) benefits metabolism, prevents bone loss and improves muscle health. Movement experts advise choosing a sport that you enjoy as it helps create a routine to protect the heart and, in general, the entire body.
  2. Feed your heart: correct nutrition helps prevent many cardiovascular risk factors: obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes… Its basis should be based on the consumption of slowly absorbed sugars: fruits, vegetables, legumes, rice, pasta and cereals, preferably integral. It is recommended to eat oily fish at least three times a week because it is rich in Omega 3 and increase the consumption of healthy fat through extra virgin olive oil, nuts, avocado, etc. The ideal is to avoid saturated fats, processed foods and added sugars.
  3. Value your heart: It is important to have periodic checkups. European prevention guidelines recommend women have their hearts checked between the ages of 45 and 50 and, depending on the results, establish individual follow-up. From Corazón de Mujer they explain that by applying non-invasive technology in specific imaging tests, cardiologists can anticipate the disease and prescribe the necessary prevention measures for each case. Knowing the state of the heart and arteries allows us to detect the presence of atherosclerosis plaques and aneurysms, even before symptoms appear, and to do this it is enough to perform a 2D and 3D vascular ultrasound.
  4. Add your heart: Raising awareness in society about cardiovascular health in women and getting the collaboration of as many people as possible is vital to reducing mortality figures. Participating in awareness campaigns helps in education and preventive knowledge, which has a positive impact on women’s health. Transferring the need for prevention to any woman, whether mother, friend, daughter, grandmother, sister, is essential. Each aware person could be one less death.
  5. listen to your heart: in terms of prevention, the ideal scenario would be one in which people are educated in heart-healthy lifestyle habits from school, primary care doctors are more involved in the recognition of risk factors and in which women identify their own symptoms associated with this disease. Also get more Women’s Specific Units to detect, diagnose, treat and prevent cardiovascular diseases, and contribute to research.
  6. study your heart: In a reality in which women are underrepresented in clinical trials and publications, it is vital to promote studies that promote the advancement of medicine.

And if you want to go deeper into heart care, we have selected 6 books in which you can learn about this muscle in depth, they will help you implement healthy habits and establish them in your daily life and learn the keys to longevity or inflammation. , the latter linked to the appearance of various diseases.

6 books to take care of your heart

The books you have to buy on World Heart Day

‘The science of health’, by Valentín Fuster (Ed. Booket)

Have you wondered how to achieve your ideal weight and maintain it in the long term? Or how to quit smoking without being tempted to go back? How about learning to deal with stress without letting it overwhelm you? In The science of healthhe renowned cardiologist Valentín Fuster Share simple and practical tips to improve your well-being and lead a healthier life. This book, which you can read cover to cover or refer to from time to time, offers a clear and entertaining guide on what current medicine tells us about the issues that concern us most: from how to manage weight, what is the most balanced diet, how control cholesteroll, even how to exercise, take care of blood pressure, perform health checks, reduce alcohol consumption, quit tobacco, control stress, and even how to be happier. All this with real life examples, explained in a close and accessible way.

‘The science of health’, by Valentín Fuster (Ed. Booket)

Age is just a number. While some age faster, others push the limits: there are those who climb eight thousand at the age of 80, while others can barely walk at 40. In places like the Greek island of Ikaria, people live, on average, ten years longer that on the continent, and in Okinawathree times as many people reach the age of 100 compared to the rest of Japan. This shows that getting older and getting older are not the same. Although we all celebrate birthdays at the same rate, we don’t all age in the same way. This book reveals to us the secrets of longevity and teaches us to stay active, physically, intellectually and emotionally. It is not only about living longer, but about living much better, fully enjoying each stage of life.

‘What your heart expects from you’, by Dr. José Abellán (Ed. Grijalbo)

The main reason why we get sick today is that our lifestyle It goes against what our body and heart really need: we spend too many hours sitting, we consume processed foods, we are subjected to stress, anxiety and insomnia… We have disconnected from our own nature and the environment that surrounds us. This disconnection is root of many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseaseswhich according to the WHO are responsible for one in three deaths worldwide, being the greatest threat to our health. And unfortunately, the numbers continue to get worse. In his book, cardiologist José Abellán tells us clearly and directly about the importance of taking care of our heart to prevent diseases and enjoy a healthy, long and active life. With a preventive approach, Abellán invites us to adopt habits that really make a difference. Its message revolves around the four pillars of cardiovascular health:

  • Eating is not the same as feeding, do it consciously
  • Exercise is basic, move
  • Respect the natural rhythms of the planet and rest
  • Connect with nature

‘Let habits be your medicine’, by Borja Bandera (Ed. Grijalbo)

This book is like an impulse that will motivate you to take charge of your health. In its pages, Dr. Borja Bandera has gathered a series of short, easy-to-read texts that summarize the key, timeless principles to optimize your well-being. With a practical approach, it offers you tools to change your habits, making you the protagonist of the decisions that affect your well-being. Simply put, it empowers you to take control of your own health. This is an optimistic book, clear and full of positive energy. It guides you through the shortcuts that make it easier to change habits, so that taking care of yourself is not an obligation, but a pleasure. Because, in the end, loneliness can be more harmful than high cholesterol, and true health goes far beyond just taking medication.

‘Live more’, by Marcos Márquez (Ed. Grijalbo)

This book is the essential guide to understanding the longevity science and, most importantly, to apply it in a personalized way in your daily life. It offers you practical tools to maintain health and vitality, with the aim of slowing aging and improving both your quality of life and your appearance. Throughout its pages, you will discover that exercise is the true elixir of youth, which foods help slow down the passage of time and how strategies such as intermittent fasting They can positively influence your well-being. In addition, you will learn to strengthen your immune system, optimize your sexual hormones and learn about the most recommended supplements to stay young for longer. An essential read for those seeking not only to live longer, but to do so in a full and healthy way. Marcos Márquez, one of the best-known health communicators, tells you everything.

‘Goodbye to inflammation’, by Sandra Moñino (Ed. HarperCollins)

Inflammation is also related to heart problems and with other pathologies. Weight gain, skin problems, headaches and even diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, cancer or depression, could have a common origin: chronic inflammation. In this book, you will discover that a balanced diet, healthy habits, and good emotional management are essential to reduce inflammation and regain your health. Nutritionist Sandra Moñino, a renowned inflammation expert, shares all the keys to identifying, preventing and combating this problem. In addition, it offers a complete anti-inflammatory menu full of delicious recipes, easy to prepare, satisfying and, above all, very healthy.

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