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New York
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Mexico and the United Arab Emirates will strengthen trade – Millennium Group

In a work meeting, secretary Víctor Villalobos Arámbula, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader); and Salem Alowais, ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Mexico, highlighted the importance of reinforcing collaboration and technology exchange, in favor of the food security of both nations.

The head of Agriculture explained that the strengthening of collaboration and exchange trade with the United Arab Emirates will help in “the sustainable use of water and adaptation actions around climate change.”

“We are committed to innovation and technology, taking advantage of our reputation in health and safety and promoting halal certification in more products of commercial interest,” the secretary stressed.

For his part, Salem Alowais expressed interest in extending the scientific-technical collaboration with Mexico and expand trade in agri-food products, through a better bilateral relationship.

Furthermore, the ambassador spoke in favor of working in the health protocols and certification for the purchase of poultry, shrimp and fish and technological exchange for the cultivation of products, such as nopal, prickly pear and date.

In this same framework, Víctor Villalobos also highlighted the productive versatility of the nopal, since it produces “fruit, vegetables, inputs for cosmetics and in the season of drought “It can be used as food for livestock.”

Finally, they pointed out that in 2023 the agri-food and fishing trade balance of Mexico with United Arab Emirates recorded a surplus of 76 million dollars, with exports of 79 million dollars and imports of four million dollars.


Mexico and the United Arab Emirates will strengthen trade – Millennium Group
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