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MILENIO Arte inaugurates The Colors of Flavor in tribute to CEDA- Grupo Milenio

Multimedia Group, Group MILLENNIUM through MILENIO Arte, in conjunction with the National Confederation of Groups of Merchants of Supply Centers (Conacca) inaugurated this Saturday the exhibition “The colors of flavor”, in tribute to workers of the Central Supply and everyday food.

From the Museum of Mexico City, where the exhibition will remain from this Saturday until January 2025, Avelina Lésper director of MILLENNIUM Artrevealed that the exhibition is inspired by the work “Fruit Seller” by Olga Costa.

“For us, the opportunity to be able to inaugurate this series ‘The Colors of Flavor’ in the Museum of Mexico City is very important. This series was triggered by a specific work, ‘Fruit Seller’ by the teacher Olga Costa, where The great tradition of markets in Mexico is taken up and now it is brought to a climax with the Centrales de Abasto, as large food supply organizations for the cities,” he said.

He indicated that for the process, they summoned the participating artists to go to the Mexico City Supply Central, who took up the daily food of thousands of capital residents as an object of inspiration, in addition to the work of the workers.

“The artists took up as aesthetic object food “What we Mexicans eat, what we consume, the process behind each thing so that it reaches our table, we also had the great opportunity to live with the people at the Supply Centers.”

“In addition, we reached that point where what we Mexicans eat, the work of the workers at the Supply Centers, who during the pandemic had that heroic responsibility of continuing to supply the cities, that thanks to them there was no food shortage at that time,” he said.

MILENIO Arte inaugurates The Colors of Flavor in tribute to CEDA- Grupo Milenio
The colors of flavor, exhibition in CdMx. (Photo: Ariel Ojeda)

For his part, Rafael Ocampo, director of MILLENNIUM Television He highlighted that the set of works is also a tribute to the work that the Central workers had during the pandemic due to the covid-19 virus.

“A tribute to the workers who have fulfilled this fundamental role, not only in those critical times that we live with the pandemic, but also to be there permanently,” he explained.

He said that for Group MILLENNIUM It is a pride to present the exhibition through MILLENNIUM Art and explore the generation of new types of content, in addition to the information field.

“It is a pride, it is not a common place for a group like ours, which is in hard information, in controversial information, generating this type of content, feeling it as ours, associating it, disseminating it is something very nice, it is something that makes us excites,” he pointed out.

Argel Gómez Concheiro, office manager of the Secretary of Culture of Mexico City, said that the exhibition makes known young artists, providing a look at the Supply Centers and also represents an approach to this cultural part of the country’s capital.

“I think this exhibition pays tribute, as Avelina said, to those thousands of people who make a very large percentage of supplies possible for our city.”

“Not only does this exhibition serve as a tribute to all the workers at the Supply Centers, but it is also the great opportunity that art gives us to look at it again, that great cultural heritage that we Mexicans have,” he said.

Arturo Fernández, president of the National Confederation of Grocery Center Merchants Groups, explained that in Mexico there are 67 Supply Centersin which 75 percent of the country’s agricultural distraction happens, which is reflected in the set of works, in which, he explained, it is essential for society to see the process behind the food they consume daily.

“For us it is very important that society understands how this process goes, from the field, from the production, transportation and marketing of the products,” he remarked.

Likewise, he announced that this is the first part of the project, since they originally had 30 works planned for the exhibition, but he detailed that the second part will be available in 2025.

“This is the first part, we are considering releasing the second part in 2025, because the original proposal was 30 paintings in a documentary series, we stayed with the first part, which was what we were able to do and we are making an effort to make the second part,” he reported.

Dates to visit ‘The Colors of Flavor’

“The colors of flavor” will be available for free from this Saturday until January 2025, at the Mexico City Museumlocated at José María Pino Suárez 30 in the Historic Center of the country’s capital.

The exhibition consists of 15 diverse works with the aim of bringing together art with the work of the Central de Abasto, in different scenarios such as the sale of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, among other items.

The exhibition consists of 15 diverse works. (Photo: Ariel Ojeda)
The exhibition consists of 15 diverse works. (Photo: Ariel Ojeda)

Who are the artists who participated?

It has the participation of the artists:

  • Karima Muyaes
  • Fernando Andriacci
  • Bernardo Loar
  • Gabriela Cortes
  • Axel Lemaire
  • José Luis López Galván
  • Cassandra de Santiago
  • Jorge Luna
  • Jose Parra
  • Edgar Cano
  • Paulina Goca
  • Emiliano López Javier
  • Miguel Angel Garrido
  • Olinka Dominguez
  • Nidia González

In the exhibition they explore techniques such as oil on canvas, charcoal, chalk and shellac on paper and encaustic on canvas.

In the exhibition they explore techniques such as oil on canvas. (Photo: Ariel Ojeda)
In the exhibition they explore techniques such as oil on canvas. (Photo: Ariel Ojeda)


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