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Brenda Bezares had a marriage proposal from a King before Mayito- Grupo Milenio

Mario Bezares has stood out as one of the big favorites in ‘La Casa de los Famosos 2’, consolidating his position to win tonight during the long-awaited grand final.

The participation of the popular “Tío Mayito” in the Televisa reality show has not only served to vindicate his public image, but also to give greater visibility to his family, particularly his wife, Brenda Bezares.

Recently, Brenda attracted attention during her participation in ‘El Minuto que Cambio mi Destination’, hosted by Gustavo Adolfo Infante, where she revealed unpublished details of her personal life with Mario.

Brenda Bezares had a marriage proposal from a King before Mayito- Grupo Milenio
Did Brenda Bezares make fun of Mayito? | SPECIAL

How did the love story between Brenda Bezares and Mario Bezares come about?

The love story between Brenda Bezares and Mario Bezares is one of those that seems to be predestined, marked by chance encounters and unexpected decisions.

In her interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante, Brenda Bezares took the opportunity to reveal that They met thanks to Silvia Galván, a well-known professional in the beauty industry.

At that time, Brenda was actively participating in beauty pageants and, during a hair test, Galván decided to introduce her to Mario. However, that first meeting was nothing extraordinary for Brenda, since, according to her, Mario did not leave a great impression.

Despite this unpromising start, Brenda felt that their relationship was somehow meant to be, remembering the saying “Marriage and a shroud, they come down from heaven.”

During the following month, their paths crossed again on several occasions, until Mario finally invited her out with a group of friends. Brenda fondly remembered those first moments and how Mario broke with the seriousness of the people around her.

“I had a lot of fun with him because I was used to pure rigid, serious people, politicians, people with whom you have to keep manners and everything. I had a lot of fun with him, I mean, that relaxed part was great about him, so It started to catch my attention,” he explained.

Despite the obvious chemistry between the two, Brenda rejected the idea of ​​having a formal relationship with Mario on four occasions. However, on the fifth try, he finally agreed.

After nine months of dating, they decided to get married civilly, despite the strong opposition of Brenda’s mother, who did not view the relationship favorably.

Mario Bezares and Brenda meet again
Mario Bezares and Brenda meet again

A King’s proposal could have prevented their marriage

The marriage between Brenda Bezares and Mario Bezares, known as “El Tío Mayito”, may not have materialized due to an unexpected and rather unusual marriage proposal: a Nigerian king asked Brenda to become his fourth wife.

Mario’s beloved wife revealed this surprising anecdote with Gustavo Adolfo Infante, in which she also spoke about her relationship with a Lebanese prince, both romances arising from her participation in international beauty pageants.

Brenda recalled how her life took an unexpected turn after winning an important beauty contest in 1989. This contest projected her to the international level, arousing the interest of numerous suitors, including royalty.

“Imagine, I came from an international pageant, I had boyfriends who were kings and princes, because that’s how it was,” Brenda said naturally.

Among her suitors was a king of Nigeria, who did not hesitate to make her a marriage offer, although under peculiar circumstances. The monarch, a man over 70 years old, wanted to make Brenda his fourth wife.

“In Nigeria, I met the king of Nigeria who proposed to me, to be his fourth wife, imagine. A man in his 70s,” she shared. Although it did not reveal many more details about this suitor, the story made it clear that the interest he aroused in those years reached royalty.

In addition to this curious episode, Brenda also confirmed that she had a relationship of approximately a year with a Lebanese prince, with whom she lived a closer and longer love story.

“I also met a Lebanese prince who I had a relationship with for about a year,” he explained.

The relationship with the prince of Lebanon, according to Brenda, was mostly at a distance, based on epistolary exchanges. Brenda met him in Nigeria, where he and his family were living temporarily due to conflicts in their native country.

“I don’t know if there is still so much conflict. They were from somewhere in Lebanon and were living in Nigeria. So I met him when I went to Nigeria, we talked to each other, we corresponded and everything, but a relationship as such, for a very short time,” he clarified. .

Despite the interesting suitors that arose in her life, including a king and a prince, Brenda Bezares decided not to accept those proposals and ended up marrying Mario Bezares, with whom she has shared many years of life and overcome various challenges together.

Listen to the full interview here:


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