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Monday, September 30, 2024

The owl, an endangered melon, is recovered

We are reaching the end of the season melon in Spain, a delicious fruit, refreshing and sweet of which there are numerous varieties. To know its origin we must go back to the Egyptians from where it spread to different corners of the world. Our country is one of the leaders in the production of melons and now we receive news that the variety has been reintroduced and recovered owl.

Read: Recipes with melon, in sweet and salty versions… which one do you prefer?

We knew above all melons National skin of toad, and from outside our borders are the cantaloupe, the galia, the yellow or the green. But, thanks to Hualdo Estate -located in the Toledo town of Carpio de Taj-, and with its project to recover varieties of high gastronomic value, we can once again enjoy the owl. They have already recovered some of the best products of the area’s agricultural tradition that have been discarded in the market such as peach from Puebla de Montalbán either the Moorish tomato.

The owl, an endangered melon, is recovered© Finca Hualdo
Owl melon with Manchego cheese

What is owl melon?

It is a yellowish-green melon; smooth and fine skin; small size (1-3kg), and rounded shape. It is one of the melons most valued by farmers, for its extremely sweet and juicy flesh that contains an explosion of unparalleled flavor and presents excellent organoleptic qualities and a soft texture in the mouth.

There is no proven knowledge of the origin of the seed of this variety of melon which a century ago was cultivated, and in large quantities, in Guadalajara, Toledo and Madrid (specifically in Villaconejos). But unlike then, today only a few are produced, most of which are intended for personal consumption, and only on some occasions is it possible to find them in small-scale markets without intermediaries.

Read more: In season: the most delicious fruits to say goodbye to summer

A variety recovered in Toledo

Hualdo’s Orchardinspired by the rich horticultural history of the region where it is located, Toledo, and in order to recover some of the best products of its agricultural tradition, has reintroduced this delicious variety. a melon which until a few years ago was very common to find in the area, but whose production had fallen into disuse over time. The special care that its cultivation requires, as well as its lower productivity and the difficulty of transporting it due to its thin skin, unlike what happens with other varieties, has had a lot to do with it.

This fruit requires expert hands, it must be harvested at the right point of maturity and its thin skin carries a careful handling (any blow or crack would mean the loss of the fruit). The product must reach the market as soon as possible for optimal enjoyment. Its conservation and transportation are not easy either due to its special morphology.

Melon of the mochuelo variety in a plantation© Finca Hualdo
Melon of the mochuelo variety in a plantation

In the words of Sergio Barrios, technical manager of La Huerta de Hualdo “Recovering the “Mochuelo” melon has been a challenge for us. And its cultivation is not easy. It is planted from the end of April to the beginning of May and its harvest begins in August. Somewhat late compared to other varieties, in this one it is also very important to cut it at the right point of maturity, which is almost an art. If it is cut green it does not evolve, that is, it remains green and does not mature. However, this effort has been worth it because it is an exceptional variety, a gem of flavor and aromas.”

This orchard, located near the Tagus River, is characterized by having a very fertile black meadow soil – it receives this name from the land – which is very suitable for the development of different crops and is surrounded by a flora made up of broom, thyme and cantueso, among other species.

Where can we find the owl melon?

Both individuals and restaurants can access this variety of owl melon, as well as a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, aromatic plants, extra virgin olive oils Casas de Hualdo and Hualdo Cheeses, all of them certified organic products, available on the website www.dehualdo.com

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