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If you are intimidated by going to the gym, these tips will help you overcome it

The good news in relation to a sedentary lifestyle is that society becomes increasingly active and interested in sportsa reality that we see reflected in the success of sports fashion brands or express routines that convince even the most reluctant to exercise occasionally from the comfort of your home. Although the definitive proof is seen in the gyms, full of subscribers always looking for new and effective disciplines to stay fit, such as hybrid training, with free weights or the famous I swept that combines classical ballet movements with other fitness and pilates.

Although one of the obstacles that stops beginners is what is known as “gymtimidation”, a real and widespread feeling of intimidation when joining the gym (and even more so from attending a class) that has a solution. It is given to us by Irene Colorado, barré teacher at Barrelatte, and Daniel Martínez, Fitness Manager at David Lloyd Turó, who help us understand the reasons why it can be scary to start playing sports and the keys to overcoming it.

If you are intimidated by going to the gym, these tips will help you overcome it© Nana Jacqueline

Why are we intimidated by the gym?

The teacher of the new barré studio located at number 26 Bretón de los Herreros street in Madrid, highlights fear of judgment from others as the main cause, also “not knowing how to use the equipment or perform the exercises correctly, and feeling out of place in a new environment full of more experienced people.” Daniel Martínez agrees and explains to us that, “in general, The most intimidating factor when going to the gym is the lack of self-confidence and from there the insecurity of the problems that people may have. “A person who is very insecure about their body sees a person who is in shape and finds it difficult to go to the gym, so that would be insecurity on a physical level.”

David Lloyd Turó’s expert adds the level of ignorance of entering a class in which everyone knows what to do: “In the end it is a mixture of insecurities that stop the desire to go to the gym. And, on the other hand, There are people who prefer to do sports outside and that’s why they don’t like them.”

Tricks to combat fear

They both agree that gym professionals are essential: “Seek the support of a trainer to accompany you, train with friends, go to centers that inspire you, and try disciplines that you feel are aligned with your needs,” proposes Irene Colorado. Daniel Martínez repeats that “It would be the task of the gym staff to continuously monitor the people who are most afraid of coming to the gym. Help and encourage them and once they are in the gym, make them understand that everything takes a process to adapt. With this help, that respect is usually lost much sooner, without it they end up stopping going and being erased.”

Two friends doing exercise green and pink set

How long, more or less, does it take to get used to it and start seeing results in the gym?

“First You have to start with a mental routine, that is, the person feels comfortable and can come to the gym; If the person feels well in the habitat where they are, they acquire a routine and habits to be able to work on their physical condition. Each case is different, but it seems that after 3 months you end up getting used to it and it becomes a routine and a part of your life,” reveals Daniel Martínez. However, Irene Colorado estimates a little less time: “Each body is a world! Without a doubt, consistency and daily habits are key to seeing results. in strength and endurance. Getting used to it involves willpower and connecting with the sport you practice, although I would say 2 to 4 weeks.”

Training with friends: yes or no?

In this case, while Irene is clear that everything is an advantage – “Definitely yes! It is very motivating and makes the sessions more fun. Sharing part of your self-care routine with your friends can become quite a ritual; Daniel not so much: “This depends on the person, there are people who are very motivated to train with friends, so if this is a hook then it’s great; Others don’t like it because they are less fit than their friends.or they may not be suitable for going to the gym. It all depends on how the person feels that support on a psychological level. “It’s a very personal issue.”

Kika Cerqueira with mauve sports outfit© francisca.cgomes

Disciplines most suitable for beginners

Barrelatte’s teacher recommends barré, yoga or pilates: “They are ideal for beginners since they are low impactimprove flexibility, strength and body awareness without overloading the joints.” Regarding the Responsible for fitness by David Lloyd Turó, tells us that “The most suitable disciplines are group classes, because they are with a group of people and everything is very controlled and regulated, and that makes it much easier to enter a gym.” He also adds that his personal recommendation “if that person knows what he has to do is the room fitness so that you can meet your individual goals, from here many factors come in, such as boredom, what you like, what you don’t like, if you like to train with music or without music, if you like to train with people or without people , we go back to the same thing as before, it varies according to each person.

Habits that help you not lose consistency

“Schedule your training time, set achievable goals and surround yourself with a supportive environmentwhether in the gym or through trainers or training partners. Nutrition properly and rest efficiently to maintain energy and avoid injuries,” Colorado advises us. Daniel adds that you have to get into a routine and wait for the results to arrive, “it is what will motivate you the most to continue. Although at first it gives us small results, over time, larger objectives are achieved.”

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