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‘I know my mother would be super proud of me’

Charlotte Harrison She has been the most beautiful woman in Spain since last September 10 and on November 12 she will fight to win the title of Miss International at a gala to be held in Tokyo, Japan. The great professional moment of this Tenerife beauty, 23 years old, coincides with a painful mourning. Almost a year ago, he lost his mother for a breast cancer. “It’s very hard, more than I expected,” he confessed to us. Despite this, she continues with a smile because she feels her mother closer than ever and knows that she would be very proud of all her successes.

‘I know my mother would be super proud of me’© José Urbano

– Congratulations on your victory in Miss International Spain! What is your life like since you wear the crown?

The first week it was very difficult for me to understand what had happened, winning a national competition was a goal from a very young age and I felt like I was on a cloud. My life right now is full of hope, positivity and, above all, a lot of work because I want to get to Japan giving the best version of myself.

– November 12 is the grand final in Tokyo, are you nervous?

I would be lying if I said that I was not nervous because in the end representing Spain is a great responsibility, but I know that all my work and that of the organization will be worth it, I will fight to leave the country as high as possible.

-How are you preparing for this contest?

Even though there is little time, I have been working all year with catwalk classes, public speaking, self-makeup, learning Japanese to try to get closer to the people and culture there and many other things, which have not only earned me a place in the national contest, but that for the international one will help me a lot. Spending two weeks of concentration is not an easy task, but it helps a lot to have good preparation and, above all, maintain your authenticity at all times.

Charlotte Harrison, Miss International Spain 2024© José Urbano

-When are you heading to Tokyo?

The concentration will begin on October 29, so I hope to arrive the day before.

– Will your partner or family travel with you?

Of course, my partner Daniel has been a fundamental support for me in this process, he has always believed in me, even in those moments when I didn’t even trust myself. My two best friends will also come, Lucy and Raúl, who have become family to me. The three of them have always been there for me, but especially after my mother’s death, they never let me be alone and took care of me at all times. I am very grateful to be surrounded by them with a lot of love.

– Have you already chosen the dresses that you will wear on such a special day?

I can’t reveal much but it is true that I want to show the talent of the designers that we have here in the Canary Islands and in Spain, since it is a pride for me to be from Tenerife and I know that I will feel one hundred percent identified with each work. of art that I will wear.

– Have you been able to meet any of the Miss International candidates?

Yes, although there are a lot of girls, I have been able to talk to some of them and the truth is that they are great, it seems that it is a good group of girls and I think it is very important since we are going to be together for two weeks sharing experience and enjoying everything the good that Japan has to offer.

Charlotte Harrison, Miss International Spain 2024© José Urbano

– What do you think is your strong point to win?

I consider that my strongest point is perseverance, when I have a goal, I work very hard until I achieve it, showing who I am and always transmitting positivity and joy.

– What has prompted you to participate in this type of contests?

Here in the Canary Islands, beauty pageants are experienced in a very big way, I think it is something cultural and I think that my love for this world began from a very young age watching the election of queens of each town and, above all, the carnival queens that there is every year. We Canarians feel a very strong love for our carnival and I know that I am not the only one who has been inspired by it.

– Almost a year ago, your mother died of cancer. How are you feeling? I imagine it must have been very difficult not to be able to share so many professional joys with her.

It’s very hard, more than I expected. My mother knew how much it meant to me to be in this world and she was very happy for each of my successes. I am sad that in the biggest triumph I have had she could not be there in person. But I know that she saw me, I know that she is super proud because she accompanied me that coronation night. It’s hard not to feel sad about the situation, but one of her last words to me was: ‘Charlotte, please stop crying.’ And I always try to repeat it to myself to focus on my goals and move forward.

Charlotte Harrison, Miss International Spain 2024© José Urbano

– You were born in Tenerife, but you have English roots. What do you like most about Spain and what do you like most about Great Britain?

Great Britain has many beautiful things to visit and know, but what ties me most to that country is my family, the times I go it is to enjoy every moment with them, since family is something fundamental for me. And as for Spain, I consider it as my home, I was born in Spain and it is very difficult to choose just one thing about Spain, but it has to be that sympathy, that affection and that joy that the Spanish have that is really special for me.

-If you win, who would you dedicate the prize to?

Of course I would dedicate it to my family, my partner and my angel in heaven, because without them none of this would be possible. Since the beginning of my journey in this world they have supported me unconditionally and it is like a way of thanking them for everything they have done for me.

– Whatever happens on the 12th, is your dream to continue dedicating yourself to fashion or do you have other plans?

I have always wanted to be in the world of fashion and I hope that my goals of growing professionally in this field are met, but I also have an alternative plan that is closely related to my studies and the Tourism Degree.

Charlotte Harrison, Miss International Spain 2024© José Urbano


Photographer: José Urbano

MUAH: Alejandro González by Janira García

Costumes: Damián Rodríguez, Sedomir Rodríguez de la Sierra and Koala Bay

Coordination: José Toré for Nuestra Belleza España Org.

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