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If you want to lose weight, don’t run

If you feel frustrated because you don’t see quick results with your training, pay attention to the message it has to give you. one of the most famous personal trainers in Spain. It is about Miguel Lordán (@mltrainer)fitness influencer and author of the book Lose weight without running (Dome Ed.). This expert wants to remind you that shortcuts don’t always take you to the place you want and that you can run the risk of getting lost. It means that there are no quick training plans that will make you lose weight in a short time, nor miracle diets. He has a more realistic vision of how to lose weight in a healthy way and without hating going to the gym: “People want results NOW, immediately, but that path only leads to frustration and abandonment. Thus, he has devised a method that is based on three basic pillars: patience, enjoying the process and finding the right balance between exercise and nutrition.

– Read: 21 keys to losing weight without diet or exercise

What is the ideal exercise to lose weight?

One of the most common myths is to think that to lose weight you have to run for hours or undergo strenuous routines. But according to Miguel, the best exercise is not the most exhausting, but the one you really like. “The most important thing is that you find a activity you enjoy and that you can maintain over time,” he explains.

If you force yourself to do something you are not passionate about, sooner or later you will abandon it. So the exercise you choose can be yoga, dance, Pilates or any other activity that motivates you. The essential thing is that you enjoy the process. Otherwise, the effort will be in vain. “He sport is just a complement. If you don’t enjoy what you do, why do it?”, emphasizes Miguel.

The key is to enjoy what you do. If you like it, you will keep it over time. If not, you will leave it

Miguel Lordán, personal trainer

And the best diet to lose weight?

Another common mistake is to think that there are ‘fast’ diets that will help you lose weight and keep it off. The bad thing about these weight loss plans is that they tend to be restrictive and, in the end, you pay for it. For this fitness expert, the message is very clear: “The ban only generates anxiety. “We have to help people create healthy habits and teach them to eat consciously.”

For him, the real secret is finding a balanced and sustainable lifestyle. It’s not about eliminating foods or following strict routines, but about enjoying what you eat and how you move. “Myths are just that, myths. The important thing is that you stay active, eat well and, above all, enjoy the process,” he emphasizes.

If you want to lose weight, don’t run© Adobe Stock

What type of exercise is best for me?

Miguel highlights that one of the keys to achieving your goals is personalization. There is no single plan that works for everyone. For this reason, at his center he works with small groups or individually to adapt each training to the specific needs of each person. “We are not all the same, so not all training should be the same. I always adapt the exercises so that everyone works what they need, without losing my style,” he explains.

And for this fitness influencer, customization not only guarantees that you work on what you really need, but it also ensures enjoy the process without feeling pain. “I focus on intensity and functionality, but always without pain. If it hurts or you don’t like it, you’re going to leave it.” The key, then, is to find the balance between effective training and something that makes you feel good, which also gives way to talking about something very important in life and in sport: motivation.

– Read: How to lose weight without diets to lose weight

Dancer doing stretches© Getty Images

Motivation also helps you lose weight

Keeping motivation high is a challenge for anyone. There are days when you just don’t feel like training, and that’s completely normal. This fitness expert also experiences it but his passion for his work means that he can overcome laziness. Also, he thinks maybe we shouldn’t take it so seriously. That is, give it a twist and think of training as something that helps you have a good time. “Laugh, have fun, take breaks if you need it. The important thing is that you do it, even just a little. Every time you train is one more step towards your goal, and that feeling is incredible,” he says.

For him, the environment in which you exercise also plays a key role. At his training center, for example, he does everything possible to create a comfortable and fun spacewhere your clients can enjoy exercise without feeling like a burden. “The people who come to train with me know what I’m talking about: when you finish, you forget about laziness and you feel capable of anything.”

The ban only creates anxiety. The important thing is to enjoy what you eat and how you move

Miguel Lordán, personal trainer

How to make exercise a habit that lasts?

Many times, the problem is not in starting to train, but in maintain consistency. And as Miguel Lordan already told us, the key is to enjoy what you do and find an activity that really motivates you. “If you enjoy what you do, you won’t quit. Find a place where you feel comfortable, where you can disconnect from daily stressor, challenge yourself and improve yourself every day,” he advises.

This method has been key for many of her clients, who have managed to transform not only their physique, but also their mentality. Exercise, for them, has stopped being an obligation and has become a personal gift, a moment of self-care. “He Exercise is not an obligation, it is a gift that you give to yourself,” Miguel concludes.

In short, Miguel Lordán’s method is clear: enjoy the process, be constant and don’t get obsessed with quick results. “Don’t be in a hurry, the results will come if you do what you like and do it consistently.”

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