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New York
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Two break-ups in relations and three diplomatic pauses in 6 years – Grupo Milenio

The President’s administration Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador He maintained an international agenda marked by diplomatic conflicts with five countries, and a special closeness with Russia and China.

At the beginning of 2022, the President announced a pause in relations with Spain because the king Philip IV He refused to apologize for the crimes committed during the conquest.

“We are not going to ask for everything back what they took, nothing more than to acknowledge that there were abuses, that there were massacres, that the indigenous peoples were repressed,” he said in 2022, confirming the pause in relations that began at the beginning of the year.

In February 2023, the president of the Peru, Dina Boluarteannounced the breakup of relations and the expulsion of the Mexican ambassador in the country, Pablo Monroyafter statements by López Obrador that were considered interventionist.

“Mr. Lopez has decided to support the coup d’état carried out by the now ex-president Peter Castillo On December 7, 2022, the same one that generated the unanimous rejection of the institutions that make up the democratic order in the Peru and the decision of the Congress of the Republic to remove him from office with the vote of 101 of his 130 parliamentarians,” said the president.

On April 9, Mexico broke diplomatic relations with Ecuador after the Mexican embassy in Quito was broken into four days earlier by special forces of the National Police to stop Jorge Glasthe former vice president of that country accused of money laundering and bribery.

On August 28, the President announced an unusual break with the ambassadors of USA and Canada for statements against the then initiative of reform of the judiciary.

“Pausing means that we are going to give ourselves our time because hopefully and State Departmentbecause it is not him either, what a coincidence that at the same time that he is speaking in Mexico through the embassy, ​​the Canadians are doing it It is also embarrassingwith all due respect to the Government of Canadait seems that we are associated, together,” the president said.

On the other hand, Mexico has had a special approach with other countries, such as Russia, with whom it signed an agreement for collaboration in outer space in 2021which still needs to be approved in the Congress of the Union.

Relations with the United States have also been promoted. Chinawhich, as he admitted the ambassador in Mexicohave only grown in recent years.

“Bilateral trade increased by 4.83 percent in the first eight months of this year, and practical cooperation between the two parties continues to advance in the fields of manufacturing, photovoltaic energy, wind energy, rail transport, high technology and finance. Entrepreneurs from both countries always work on the front line for China-Mexico cooperation,” said the ambassador. Zhang Run in September 2023.

Mexico has also strengthened cooperation with the government of Gustavo Petroin Colombiawhich highlights the exchange of knowledge and practices of military engineering sector for the construction of railway infrastructure based on Mexico’s experiences with projects such as the Mayan Train.


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