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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

They expect losses of 1,500 million pesos due to John- Grupo Milenio

Economic losses due to the impact of the hurricane John in Acapulco, Warriorrange between one and one thousand five hundred million pesos, informed MILLENNIUM the president of the local Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism, Alejandro Martinez Sydney.

He stressed that the phenomenon – which made landfall last night southwest of Marquelia, Guerrero with category 3 and has also put Oaxaca on alert – will affect approximately 63 thousand economic units of tourist services and 180 thousand jobs.

“This represents a devastating blow to our local economy, especially on the eve of the peak tourist season due to cancellations of events and hotel and restaurant reservations,” he explained.

For their part, national airlines have cancelled 24 flights, mainly to the beaches of Puerto Escondido and Huatulco, and to the city of Oaxaca, due to the natural phenomenon.

They expect losses of 1,500 million pesos due to John- Grupo Milenio
Puerto Escondido after the arrival of Hurricane John. CUARTOSCURO

Long live Aerobus specified that 20 flights will be affected, while Aeromexico Group only cancelled four.


Given the possible effects of the hurricane JohnThe Army, Air Force and National Guard activated plans DN-III-E and GN-A in their prevention phase in Guerrero and Oaxaca.

The Secretariat of National Defense He stated that he is in constant coordination with the authorities of the three levels of government through preventive actions.

Hurricane hits Marquelia with category 3, causing cancellations in hotels and restaurants
Hurricane hits Marquelia with category 3, causing cancellations in hotels and restaurants

In that sense, the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) reported that she is also prepared.

“The SICT Centers of both entities (Guerrero and Oaxaca) are ready to address any potential impacts that may occur on the federal highway network and feeder roads,” it said in a statement.

He said that the agency’s emergency committee, through the General Directorate of Technical Services, is coordinating preventive actions on the different communication channels.

He explained that there is permanent monitoring of the federal highway network, in addition to the deployment of conservation teams supported by vehicles and specialized machinery equipment.

For its part, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) The company reported that it is ready to deal with possible impacts, as it assured that it has specific plans for emergencies.

He reported that he had 1,392 electricians, 220 cranes, 401 light vehicles and one communications vehicle, 49 emergency plants, 30 lighting towers and four helicopters located at strategic points.

At night, the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador asked to take precautions.

“To the people of the Costa Chica of Guerrero and from Cuajinicuilapa to Huatulco (…) look for the higher areas, protect yourselves and do not forget that the most important thing is life; material things are replaced. We will be watching,” he posted on social media.

Meanwhile, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) The hurricane is expected to dissipate this afternoon.

Alejandra Mendez Girongeneral coordinator, explained that it is a system with wide circulation, since the cloud detachments extend from Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, to Chiapas, so extraordinary rainfall of 250 millimeters is expected.

In an interview with Alejandro Dominguezsaid that the phenomenon will also cause heavy rainfall in Veracruz and Puebla, and warned of the risk of landslides, flooding and damage to road infrastructure.

He added that although John made landfall as a Category 3 storm, it is expected to lose strength as it moves toward Chilpancingo, Guerrero.

Schools and banks are closed…

Yesterday in Guerrero, the Ministry of Education halted classes in six of the eight regions of the state and asked to be attentive to official reports.

In Oaxaca, the closure of schools at all educational levels was also decided in the municipalities of Santiago Pinotepa Nacional, Santiago Jamiltepec, Villa de Tututepec, San Pedro Pochutla and Santa María Huatulco.

HSBC and Citibanamex will also not open branches in Huatulco, Puerto Escondido and Pinotepa Nacional until further notice. The Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca evacuated its facilities and offered to provide shelter.

In Chiapas, the Harbor Master’s Office declared a restriction on navigation and Civil Protection in the Isthmus-Coast region reported more than 100 temporary shelters.

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