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New York
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Mexico participates in debate on peace in the UN Security Council – Millennium Group

The Mexican government has urged the United Nations Security Council (UN) to improve its operations to achieve peace in various conflict scenarios around the world, and even criticized the use of the veto to stop important resolutions.

Within the framework of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly and representing the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Alicia Barcena Ibarrathe Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Joel Hernandez Garciaparticipated in the debate “Leadership for Peace”, where he called for a review of the Security Council’s action processes.

He spoke about the need to “analyze the way in which the Security Council fits into the new push for multilateralism agreed in the Pact for the Future (…) it is clear that in conflicts as pressing as those of Ukraine, Gaza and Sudanthe Security Council has fallen far behind (…) the frequent use of the veto has only damaged the image of this body,” explained the Mexican diplomat.

Hernández also pointed out four key aspects for effective leadership in the UN: being efficient and addressing the causes of crises, leaving rhetorical speeches behind; greater use of regional organizations; limiting the use of the veto and ceasing to impose national considerations over the collective good; and strengthen the powers of the General Assembly.

“Mexico is a country convinced of multilateralism and the leading role of the United Nations (…) let us show the world that the Security Council has leadership for peace,” concluded the Undersecretary.


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