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Nicola Porcella joins LCDLF; kisses Gala and Karime | VIDEO

The surprises do not stop in the last week of The House of the Famous Mexico, Well, after yesterday he entered Wendy Guevara to perform a ‘Results and highlights’ with the finalists and María José gave a very intimate concert, this Friday another inhabitant of the first season entered the reality show: Nicola Porcella.

It stands out that Porcella had a very good reception from Arath de la Torre, Mario Bezares, Gala Montes and Karime Pindterto the extent that with the last two he starred in a ‘kiss of three’.

How was Nicola Porcella’s visit to The House of the Famous?

This afternoon, the finalists of the reality show heard a knock on the door of the facility. Then, when they looked out, they discovered Nicola Porcella, whom they greeted warmly and gave him a tour of the entire place.

“Paul was right: It’s prettier than ours, they tried harder“was the Peruvian’s reaction when he saw again The House.

Upon entering the fourth Mar, where Team Infierno was previously, he told the finalists: “Everyone has already won, they don’t know what they have done and it makes us feel“.

He highlights that, jokingly, he commented to Arath that “your place is in Today“.

Then, everyone went to the living room and there Porcella told them their dynamic: “I’m going to Cartagena for six weeks with 18 women, living in a mansion. But there are going to be some who are going for money and some who are going to meet me. Who can help me decipher who are romantic and liars? You guys They are specialists in human relations, so I asked them to please help me with this.

After this, they watched videos of the participants in this new program and the finalists gave their opinions.

But a highlight was that before leaving The House, Nicola organized a ‘three-way kiss’ with Karime and Gala. “When we go out to party we are going to do the same“said the Peruvian.

“We are very liberal parents,” was Arath’s reaction upon seeing this moment.

Nicola’s emotional message for Karime

Before leaving the facilities, Nicola gave them messages of encouragement. But With Karime he was more emotional.

“As I always said on my social networks: a reality show does not define the person you are. You surpassed yourself, you are a super intelligent, talented person, your family loves you outside, people love you, the Yucatecan is giving everything for you,” he told her. he told the influencer.

Porcella confessed that he identifies with Pindter because “I lived more or less the same as you, many times they judged us without knowing us, but today you showed what a great woman you are, the person you are and we are all proud of you.”


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