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New York
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Thus, AMLO’s last day as president – Grupo Milenio

The president Andrés Manuel López Obrador revealed this Friday, in his last morning conference with questions, What will be his last day in the Presidency of the Republic.

In your morning press conference from the National Palace, The president explained that on Monday instead of the traditional press conference “It will be a party with a bailongo.”

“Today we are going to report on some topics very briefly so that we have time to answer some questions because it is the last morning of questions because Monday is a party with dance, so we are going to inform you,” he said at the beginning of the conference.

López Obrador added that after the “party” they will proceed to have breakfast and then raffle off your traditional watch among representatives of the media.

Later, he said, he will invite reporters, cameramen and photographers to the corridor of the National Palace to reveal his portrait that will remain in the venue, along with those of other former presidents.

“I ask all the media that once we finish the party, the succulent breakfast on Monday, we are going to raffle this one, in the morning they will be given a number and the watch will be given to them, then we will have breakfast and I will then invite you to the corridor to reveal the portrait, it is the last day”

He pointed out that at noon he has a meal with some presidents, arguing that he decided to do it in the afternoon, since, At night, the leaders will have dinner with Claudia Sheinbaum.

“I’m going to have a meal because I had things to discuss with some people and the best thing is that we talk, and then finish it, because at 12 at night my responsibility as president ends.”


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