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Saturday, September 28, 2024

What is the saint that is celebrated today, September 28?

What is the saint that is celebrated today, September 28?

Lorenzo Ruiz and 15 companions: Saints Lorenzo de Manila Ruiz and fifteen fellow martyrs spread the Christian faith in the Philippines, Formosa and Japan, where they were martyred in Nagasaki by order of Tokugawa Yemitsu between 1633 and 1637. Their martyrdom is celebrated in a single commemoration.

Splendor: Born in the 5th century, he was a monk, abbot and then bishop, known for his fight against Arianism and semi-Pelagianism. Although accused of semi-Pelagianism, he was a holy and just man, venerated in southern France, where he continued his ministry until his death, even after being exiled by the Arian Visigoth king Eurich.

Simon de Rojas: Trinitarian and devoted to the Virgin Mary, he founded the Congregation of the Slaves of the Most Sweet Name of Mary in 1612, dedicated to the praise of Mary and the service of the poor. He was a great contemplative and benefactor, venerated for his love of Mary and for his works of mercy, and was canonized in 1988 by Pope John Paul II.

Bernardino de Feltre: born in 1439, he was a Franciscan preacher who fought against usury and promoted the Montes de Piedad, banks to help the poor with low-interest loans. His powerful oratory attracted crowds, and he preached 23 Lents in Italy, being remembered for his commitment to social justice and the relief of the marginalized.

Today we also celebrate the name day of:

  • Exuperius
  • Lioba or Leoba
  • Wenceslas (Wenceslas) of Bohemia
  • Nicetas Budka

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