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Monday, September 30, 2024

What is the importance of World Heart Day – Millennium Group

Dr. Juan Pablo Umaña, director of Thoracic and Cardiovascular at Cleveland Clinic, highlighted the importance of talking about cardiovascular diseases and specify the relevance of the prevention to avoid riskssince it is currently the third cause of mortality in the world.

“Talking about cardiovascular diseases on World Heart Day is very important, because it is a way to continue raising awareness to avoid risks and adopt preventionhence the fundamental thing that they always have the support of a cardiologist specialist”, said the doctor, through a webinar, in which he referred to the latest advances in the treatment of heart diseases.

On that topic “We can talk about less invasive treatments, in which improved imaging technologies are allowing us, through magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, to make much earlier and more specific diagnoses.”

He even highlighted that in this case “remote monitoring systems can be used, through which we can diagnose arrhythmias at positions and without the patient being present in the clinic.”

The director of Thoracic and Cardiovascular at Cleveland Clinic, which has been number one in cardiovascular surgery and medicine in the world for 30 years; I mention another of the procedures that in recent times have helped treat heart health.

“Another measure we are taking is aimed at “genetic and stem cell therapies, by which we can modify the genetic substrate of patients or at least identify them before the appearance of diseases to somehow prevent their appearance.”

The Artificial intelligence which currently deals in a variety of areas as well has arrived at cardiology, comments the doctor.

In Artificial Intelligence, the clinic has been a pioneer in creating a position, where we have an artificial intelligence chief for not only the application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and all types of diseases, but in its responsible and controlled application so that we can use it.”

During his presentation, the doctor also He referred to the advances that minimally invasive surgery has had; since it has transformed the treatment of complex heart diseases; which can be apply in three waysone is a through thoracoscopic surgery, through minimal incisions; The second is robotic surgery and the third is transcatheter surgery, with which it is not even necessary to stop the heart to replace a valve, such as the optic valve or repair a valve such as the mitral valve.

The advantages of minimally invasive surgery “are not only in the cosmetic aspect, As they are much smaller incisions, but in the transfusion requirements, the reduction in the postoperative stay and an early return to the patients’ normal activities by reducing postoperative pain,” said the specialist.

What is the importance of World Heart Day – Millennium Group
Having medical advice is always good to keep your heart healthy / Shutterstock

Triple therapy to control high blood pressure

In Mexico it is estimated that 30% of patients with arterial hypertension require triple drug therapy to comprehensively address their disease and achieve adequate control levels to prevent target organ damage and metabolic cardiorenal syndrome; specialists in Cardiology from the National Association of Cardiologists of Mexico (ANCAM), the Group of Experts in Arterial Hypertension (GREHTA) and doctors from Laboratorios Silanes coincide.

According to the data available Only 50% of people with high blood pressure know their condition and half of them receive treatment; although 50’% of these are inadequate.

“High blood pressure does not occur in isolation, it is usually accompanied by different risk factors such as: overweight or obesity; elevated levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and alterations in blood triglycerides, as well as low concentrations of “good” HDL cholesterol, that is, mixed dyslipidemia; in addition to diabetes, among other factors.

“In such a way that, The timely management of arterial hypertension is very important to address in a comprehensive manner, considering other diseases that may coexist in the same patient to significantly reduce the risk of developing target organ damage; that is to say, structural or functional alterations in the arteries, heart, brain, retina and kidneys,” said Dr. José Magaña, cardiologist and vice president of ANCAM.

Given this panorama, Medical scientists from Laboratorio Silanes developed the first fixed-dose triple combination and medical prescription, which combines two antihypertensives (Amlodipine and Losartan) and a thiazide-type diuretic (Chlorthalidone) in one dosewhich allows controlling high blood pressure and preventing long-term cardiovascular events.

Specialists assure that Without optimal treatment coupled with lifestyle interventions, patients may face cardiovascular risks ranging from low, moderate, high, and even very high..

Furthermore, one of the effects that is caused by the lack of adequate treatment is metabolic cardiorenal syndrome, which consists of a series of conditions associated with heart, kidney and metabolic diseases, and which together increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease, conditions of the cardiovascular system and acute metabolic decontrol (abnormal levels of glucose, lipids and other substances in the blood) and which is very common in the Mexican hypertensive patient.

In this regard, Dr. Gerardo Canales, medical manager of the Cardiometabolic area of ​​Laboratorios Silanes commented: “Today, for the first time, the medical community in Mexico has at its disposal pharmacological innovations that promote adherence to treatment, such as triple therapy that combines active ingredients such as Amlodipine, Losartan and Chlorthalidone in a tablet to carry out a synergy. with the union of its components and that allows controlling Arterial Hypertension with less variability in blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular events, greater protection of target organs and reduce metabolic cardiorenal syndrome.”

And furthermore

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography has a record that Heart diseases were the leading cause of death in the country during 2023, with more than 189 thousand deaths; in second place was diabetes mellitus and in sixth, cerebrovascular diseases and in tenth place, kidney diseases.


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