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Monday, September 30, 2024

Acapulco, the first challenge of the Claudia era – Grupo Milenio

Claudia Sheinbaum declared herself “strong and ready” to assume the Presidency of the Republic tomorrow and announced that on Wednesday he will visit Acapulco to evaluate the damage caused by Hurricane John and coordinate support for the victims.

Through social networks, the next president shared photographs that the governor of Guerrero sent her, Evelyn Salgadoabout the work carried out in the tourist port by workers from the three levels of government, in which the work of the armed forces stands out.

“They have not rested in helping the population. I agreed with her (Salgado) to be with the cabinet on Wednesday afternoon to make an evaluation and plans to continue with all the necessary help to Guerrero.

“Likewise, we will be giving continuity to the support provided by the president’s government. Lopez Obrador to Oaxaca and Michoacán due to the ravages of hurricane John. We are humanist governments,” he published.

In Quintana Roo, where he went with the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador to inaugurate the Chetumal station of the Mayan Train, Sheinbaum affirmed that she is ready to assume the Presidency, just as the people of Mexico are ready for “the second floor of the country’s transformation.”

She stated: “These have been very difficult times, I tell you and the people of Mexico that I am ready and strong. “The people of Mexico are ready to begin the second stage of the fourth transformation of public life.”

In addition, she indicated that she feels grateful for accompanying the Tabasco native on his goodbye tour, because she had the opportunity to see the affection that people have for her.

“I want to thank you in addition to your tireless fight, which continues now in the reflection of the greatness of our beautiful country, for your generosity in carrying out this historic transition tour,” he said.

He insisted that Andrés Manuel López Obrador He has been the best president in the country, after leaving behind large infrastructure projects and social programs.

“As you say, I don’t have to give you a beard either, but it makes me proud to say that you are among the greats, and that for millions of Mexicans you are the best president our country has ever had. Look at everything he leaves us,” he said.

Sheinbaum took the opportunity to congratulate the workers who made the construction of the Mayan Train possible, which despite “all adversities is a reality. “It takes your breath away to travel in the middle of the jungle.”

For his part, the President thanked the people of Mexico for allowing him to change the form of government and the armed forces for helping him build the priority works of his administration.

“This act is very important, it is full of symbolism, because here our work, our task practically concludes, and in a few more hours, in two days or less, we will deliver the order,” he highlighted.

Lopez Obrador He considered the Mayan Train one of the most important works in the world and an example of the power of the Mexican workforce.

“Just remember that a work like this had not been done in decades in our country and that this work is the most important that has been built in the world in recent years, there is no other,” he said.

Furthermore, he revealed that the train was built with taxes collected from large taxpayers. “In two previous six-year terms, 400 billion pesos were forgiven. How much was invested in the Mayan Train? This work cost a little more than 500 billion, approximately 1,554 kilometers. It means that it was financed with that decision we made to cancel the forgiveness of taxes on influential people.”

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