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the best exercises to combat it

The cellulitisa term that many of us know and fear, is not a medical condition in itself, but it can influence how we feel about our cbody. “Cellulite is a cosmetic condition that occurs when beneath the surface of female skin there are fibrous septa that pull the skin downward. This occurs especially when the volume increases due to fluid retention or an increase in subcutaneous fat,” explains Dr. Crispín. This increase in volume can compress the capillaries and lymphatics, which triggers a vicious circle: fluid retention, accumulation of toxins and progressive deterioration of the skin,” tells us Dr. María José Crispín, doctor at the Menorca Clinic.

Although cellulite is more common in hips, buttocks, thighs and kneescan also appear in arms and abdomen. But why does this happen? “Not all the pathophysiological causes that cause it are still known,” says the specialist, “although we know that factors such as genetics, hormones, diet, lifestyle and blood circulation play an important role.”

“Cellulite is a lot more common in women than men. In women, the fibrous septa in the subcutaneous fatty tissue are perpendicular to the skin, which, when the volume increases, generates the characteristic dimples”, details Dr. Crispín. This structure does not occur in the same way in men. In fact, according to the American Society of Cosmetic Surgery, up to 90% of women, regardless of their weight or age, suffer from cellulite.

– Read: Cellulite: The method that really works

The role of diet in cellulite

Diet also influences its appearance. “A diet rich in saturated fats, sugars and salt can contribute to fat accumulation and fluid retention, which cellulite worsens”says the specialist. Instead, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains can help reduce body fat and improve capillary circulation.

In addition, there are certain foods that can help reduce cellulite: “The antioxidants present in berries and citrus, foods rich in fiber, and those with anti-inflammatory properties such as fatty fish and nuts, can help improve the appearance of the skin,” says Dr. Crispín.

Staying hydrated is key. Water helps flush toxins from the body and keeps skin hydrated, which can improve skin texture and reduce fluid retention.

Dr. Maria José Crispín, from Clínica Menorca

– Read: How walking fast can help you beat cellulite

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Group of friends walking

What type of exercise is most effective to combat cellulite?

Exercise is another of the fundamental pillars to improve the appearance of cellulite. However, not all exercises have the same impact, and it is important combine different types of physical activity to get the best results. According to Dr. María José Crispín, “the exercises that combine cardiovascular training with strength exercises “They are the most effective.” Because? Because cardio helps you reduce body fat, while strength exercises tone muscles and improve skin firmness. This comprehensive approach won’t completely eliminate cellulite, but it will make it look much less obvious.

1. Cardio training

Cardio is essential for reduce total body fat and improve blood circulationtwo key factors in the fight against cellulite. Dr. Crispín recommends low-impact cardiovascular exercises to avoid damaging joints and worsening cellulite. Best examples include:

  • Walk– A brisk walk for 30-45 minutes a day is excellent for burning fat and improving circulation without subjecting the body to excessive shock.
  • Cycling: Whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, cycling improves muscle tone in the legs and buttocks, areas where cellulite is most common.
  • Swimming: Swimming combines cardiovascular exercise and muscle toning without impact, ideal for those looking to improve the appearance of their skin while protecting their joints.
  • Elliptical– This machine offers a non-impact cardiovascular workout, making it a great option for reducing cellulite.
  • Dance: Activities like Zumba or dance classes are not only fun, but they also improve cardiovascular endurance and tone muscles.

– Read: Running helps reduce cellulite

2. Strength training

For Dr. Crispín, “strength exercises are essential, since they help tone muscles, improve blood circulation and make skin look firmer”. The goal is to strengthen the muscles just under the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Here are some examples:

  1. Squats: This is one of the most effective exercises to work the glutes, thighs and hips. Perform squats with or without weight, making sure to go down slowly and activate your muscles well when going up. You can start with 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  2. Glute Bridge: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and lift your hips toward the ceiling while squeezing your glutes. This exercise strengthens your butt muscles and hamstrings. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
  3. Lunges: Take a step forward and lower your body until both knees form 90-degree angles. Lunges are great for toning your glutes and thigh muscles. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions for each leg.
  4. Glute Kick (Donkey Kicks): Get on all fours and, keeping your knee bent, raise one leg toward the ceiling. This exercise focuses on the glutes and can be more challenging if you add resistance bands. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions per leg.
  5. Single-leg Deadlifts: With one leg slightly bent and the other raised behind you, lower your torso toward the floor while maintaining balance. This exercise strengthens the hamstrings and glutes, and improves balance. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions per leg.

These exercises not only improve muscle tone, but also promote better circulation, which is key to reducing fluid retention and the accumulation of toxins in the subcutaneous tissue.

Dr. Maria José Crispín, from Clínica Menorca

– Read: Sports that you should not practice if you want to avoid cellulite

cellulite creams© @gisou

Aesthetic treatments: a definitive solution?

Regarding aesthetic treatments, Dr. Crispín is clear: “There are no treatments that completely eliminate cellulite.. However, there are options that can reduce your visibility.” Among the most recommended options, the combination of mesotherapy and carboxytherapy. “Mesotherapy consists of injecting draining and lipolytic products into the middle layer of the skin, while carboxytherapy introduces carbon dioxide to improve circulation and reduce localized fat,” he explains.

Another treatment that he mentions is Alidya, an injectable that contains a mixture of amino acids and an iron chelator, ideal for treating soft cellulite in women who are not overweight. But you must always keep in mind that, as Dr. Crispín emphasizes, “cellulite treatments are for life. “It is continuous maintenance.”

The radio frequencyanother well-known option, also has its limitations. “It is a safe treatment and works by applying heat to the deep layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production,” says the doctor. However, he warns that the results in the case of cellulite are usually short-lived.

Always have realistic expectations

As these are aesthetic procedures, Dr. Crispín recommends being well informed about the possible risks: “They may include skin irritation, redness, swelling, and in some cases, changes in skin texture.” Therefore, it is essential to turn to experienced professionals to minimize these risks.

Another important aspect to consider is that the results of the treatments are temporary.

The effects of any aesthetic treatment against cellulite must be maintained over time to prolong the results. A healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet and good hydration helps maintain the benefits

Dr. Maria José Crispín, from Clínica Menorca

Finally, although it is often thought that a surgery such as liposuction may be the definitive solution, Dr. Crispín concludes that this is not the case: “Liposuction drastically reduces volume by eliminating fat cells, but cellulite will still be present because it does not eliminate the fibrous septums that cause dimples.”

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