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Seven exercises and three treatments to recover a flat stomach

Although summer is behind us, those days with their consequent nights of beach bars and excesses in diet are still very present. Well, getting back into the routine is difficult, but once you start, you will feel much better when you get your rhythm back. To help you, we have recruited some of the things that will help you, in this case, show off a flat abdomen. From exercises to treatments, you are sure to find good allies in this guide for a better return. Or at least, more effective.

Seven exercises and three treatments to recover a flat stomach© Getty Images

Exercises to smooth abdomen

The iron

The plates They are one of the most effective exercises to strengthen the entire area of ​​the corewhich includes not only the abdominals, but also the back muscles and obliques. To do a plank properly, follow these steps:

– Get into a position push-upbut instead of resting your hands, rest your forearms on the floor.

– Make sure your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.

– Hold the position for 30 seconds to a minute, repeating 3 to 5 times.

Abdominals or ‘crunches’

The crunches They are a classic that cannot be missing from your routine. This exercise focuses directly on the abdominal muscles:

– Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.

– Place your hands behind your head or crossed over your chest.

– Raise your torso towards your knees, contracting your abs, and then lower yourself slowly.

– Perform 3 series of 15 to 20 repetitions.

exercises at home lose weight© Getty Images

Leg raise

This exercise focuses on the lower abdomen, an area that is often difficult to tone. To run it:

– Lie on the floor with your legs extended and your arms at your sides.

– Raise your legs, keeping them together, until they form a 90-degree angle with the floor.

– Slowly lower your legs without letting them touch the floor and repeat.

– Do 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.

Lying exercise bike

This exercise is ideal because it activates both the upper and lower abdominals. To do it:

– Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head.

– Raise your legs forming a right angle.

– Bring one knee toward your chest while extending the other leg and twist your torso to touch that knee with the opposite elbow.

– Alternate movement as if you were pedaling a bicycle.

– Perform 3 to 4 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions per side.

‘Mountain Climbers’

The mountain climbers They are an excellent exercise that not only works the abdomen, but also helps burn calories and improve cardiovascular endurance:

– Start in a high plank position on your hands.

– Bring one knee towards the chest and then return to the starting position.

– Quickly alternate with the other knee, as if you were running in place.

– Do this exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute, repeating 3 times.

‘Russian Twists’

They are fantastic for working the obliques, which are the lateral muscles of the abdomen:

– Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet raised slightly off the ground.

– Lean your torso back slightly and hold a weight (such as a dumbbell or a water bottle) with both hands.

– Turn your torso to one side, touching the floor with the weight, then return to the center and to the other side.

– Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions per side.

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This exercise not only works the abdomen, but also helps strengthen the glutes and lower back:

– Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.

– Raise your hips toward the ceiling, keeping your shoulders and feet on the floor.

– Make sure your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

– Hold the position for a few seconds and lower yourself slowly.

– Perform 3 series of 12 to 15 repetitions.

Techno beauty: treatments, cosmetics and devices to recover your figure

Body Firmness, by Skinvity

It is the perfect combination to achieve firm skin, reduce cellulite and improve appearance. In addition, it soothes tired legs and prevents fluid retention. The signature Skinvity has created a super complete pack that encompasses everything: a magical trio that combines intelligence and efficiency and is made up of a radio frequency to be performed at home, TriPollar Pose VX, with DMA technology; the device PressTechwhich uses air pressure in the style of pressotherapy treatments in beauty centers, but at home and the Skinvity anti-cellulite concentrated serumwith caffeine and horsetail. (The price of the pack, €1,249. The items can be purchased separately).

Zerona Laser

This painless method effectively eliminates the most difficult fat and not only that, but it also helps with cholesterol and triglycerides.

The Zerona laser is an aesthetic medical treatment that consists of “a cold laser that non-invasively and painlessly eliminates fat that cannot be eliminated even with diet or exercise,” it says. Silvia Giralt, founder of Silvia Giralt Aesthetic Center.

She herself explains how it works and what this method achieves.: “Through the laser, fat is converted into liquid and metabolized so that the body can expel it naturally. It does this through the painless creation of a small pore in the wall of the fat cell and thus, without damaging the cell, the fat leaks out through the open pore. The body then safely removes the fat through the lymphatic system.”. In addition to reducing fat, it reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, “The treatment will prevent high blood pressure, diabetes and other problems related to high cholesterol,” Giralt highlights.

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Selective radio frequency

In Maribel Yébenes, You will find another of the latest technologies that manage to smooth the abdomen thanks to the elimination of adipocytes and localized fat accumulations. This is the Silhouette method. It delivers heat selectively to adipose tissue, thus altering its cells, becoming the only system with selective radiofrequency that allows the treatment of large areas in a single session. “The Siluette Method is one of the best options to forget about localized fat in any area of ​​the body, even in small or curved areas such as the abdomen, hips and buttocks,” declares Myriam Yébenes.

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