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Chiara Ferragni faces her most serious image crisis amid tensions with Fedez

Calm seemed to have come to life Chiara Ferragni after “the worst year” of his life, marked by his media separation from Fedez and because of the deep image crisis in which it was immersed after the scandal of the Pandoro Gate. The queen of social networks descended into hell, but has been rising from her ashes and has begun the course ready to bury the past forever. She herself said that she faced this new stage “with positive energy, free to pursue new dreams, to decide who I am going to be and show myself as I am.” However, she has found a significant obstacle in this objective: the Milan Prosecutor’s Office sees signs of fraud in the investigations they have carried out on the businesswoman and influencer.

Chiara Ferragni faces her most serious image crisis amid tensions with Fedez© Getty Images

Let’s start at the beginning to understand the magnitude of the story. At the end of 2022, the almighty influencer promoted a traditional Balocco pandoro. It was a special edition of this typical Christmas sweet that promised to be sold for charity. “Chiara Ferragni and Balocco support the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin by financing the acquisition of new equipment that will allow exploring new paths in the therapeutic cure of children with osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma,” they stated. The reality is that, when the campaign came out, the food company had already made a payment to the health center and Chiara had been paid for this collaboration, like just another job. The donation, therefore, did not depend on sales.

The complaints began to follow one another and Chiara’s image was plummeting while she was chaining terminations of important contracts. She was fined one million euros for “incorrect commercial practice and gave his own explanations in an attempt at transparency so that everything would return to the way it was before. “In my publications we always wrote that Chiara Ferragni and Balocco support the Hospital, but never that a percentage of the sales would go to charity. The million euros that my companies have received (it is the amount that was raised with the sale) I will donate to the Hospital, but I am going to appeal because I consider it a sanction,” he said. These words did not prevent justice from moving forward with an investigation from which new data is now being released.

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The Milan Prosecutor’s Office has announced that this Friday, October 4, the investigations into Chiara Ferragni have officially concluded. According to EFE, the head of the prosecutor’s office, Marcello Viola, sees evidence of the crime of aggravated and continued fraud due to the sale for alleged charitable purposes of Pandoros and other products. He maintains that the influencer’s companies achieved 2.22 million euros from these sales, a benefit that he describes as unfair, since it was conveyed to consumers that the proceeds would go to sick children. Now they will submit to the magistrate the request that the businesswoman be tried and could face two years in prison.

While Chiara has avoided, for now, speaking out publicly about this judicial setback, she has done so through legal means, through her team of lawyers. “We believe that this matter has no criminal relevance and that the controversial aspects have already been addressed and resolved within the Competition and Market Guarantee Authority. We will begin conversations with prosecutors as soon as possible and we trust in a positive conclusion of the matter. Chiara Ferragni “has faith in the work of the judiciary and that his innocence is established as soon as possible,” the lawyers said in a statement.

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The news of their separation

This complicated process made her temporarily distance herself from the media spotlight and she was affected by everything that was being said about her. AceShe detailed it to us herself in HELLO! a few weeks ago. “Fear is constant in a job like mine, which is completely new, because trends change and you may not like it. For two months, they have talked about me as if I were a criminal. I can’t please everyone, but “The people who like me are because I am myself.” In the midst of this crisis came another one, this time personal and with no possibility of return.

In February 2024, and after months of rumors, the separation of Chiara and Fedez, who had built a true empire, was made public. The fairy tale ended after eight years of relationship, five of them as husband and wife, and with two children together, Leone (6) and Vittoria (3). Although initially it seemed that harmony would reign, and there was even talk of rapprochement, the passing of the months has ended up turning their situation into a pitched battle. And the rumors of infidelity, hints and cross accusations have not stopped circulating.

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The latest stir has come with the influencer Taylor Mega, who claims that he was with Fedez when he was still with Chiara Ferragni. He maintains, however, that it was not infidelity because they had an open relationship: “They had their concessions, exclusivity did not exist in this couple known to everyone. You can investigate it.” These words come after the release of a song by the rapper in which he alludes to Tony Effe, a former friend who supposedly had an affair with Ferragni and who was also Taylor’s boyfriend. Effe’s response has come in the form of music: she has released a single titled Chiara the one who attacks Fedez for having left his ex in his worst moment at work. “Do what you want, but leave me and my children alone,” the influencer reacted.

In September they officially began the separation procedures, after a summer living separate lives. They had the first meeting with their respective lawyers to agree on the details of your separationa meeting marked by tension. According to the Italian press, there were “no words of relaxation or any internal rapprochement and it was very difficult to maintain a calm conversation in a relaxed tone. Despite the bad atmosphere, they did reach an initial agreement for their children: she will take charge entirely of child support, rejecting any type of help related to this aspect.

© chiaraferragni

Therefore, a new chapter opens with two endings waiting. On the one hand, knowing under what terms this union that had conquered millions of followers around the world is finally dissolved. On the other hand, knowing the resolution of the Pandoro case, an ending that will begin a new era in Chiara’s beneficial businesses?

Click to watch Chiara Ferragni’s documentary, where we discover the style keys of this Italian influencer who has almost 30 million followers on Instagram. Married and separated from the rapper Fedez, with whom she has two children, Chiara narrates her life live on her networks for her millions of followers. Don’t miss it!

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