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Saturday, September 28, 2024

All the details of the wedding of Jaime Ardid Martínez-Bordiú and Inés Ybarra, who are getting married that Saturday the 28th

This weekend the wedding of Teodora de Grecia, cousin of Felipe VI, and Ana Cristina Portillo Domecq, sister of Bertín Osborne’s daughters, will be celebrated. But this Saturday, September 28, Jaime Ardid Martínez-Bordiú also married the creative director Inés Ybarra. The wedding will take place on the morning of the same Saturday in Segovia, where the bride’s family owns a spectacular medieval mansion.

All the details of the wedding of Jaime Ardid Martínez-Bordiú and Inés Ybarra, who are getting married that Saturday the 28th© Inés Ybarra

Although Jaime and Inés’s entourage tells us that the protagonists did not want great fanfare for their big day and opted for a non-massive celebration, it is expected that some personalities from high society will attend. For example, Anna Gamazo Hohenlohe or Maximilian of Habsburg, since the groom is vice president of the Recal Foundation, in which the archduke fights against drug addiction. For her part, Inés is friends with the designers Ynés Suelves and Moisés Nieto, the Ordovás Lladó sisters, Tomás Terry Jr. –son of Pilar Medina Sidonia– and the photographer Gorka Postigo due to her professional relationship with the world of fashion. Jaime and Inés coincided with most of them at the beginning of September at another wedding held in an Austrian castle.

Jaime Ardid Martínez Bordiú and Inés Ybarra, along with Tomás Terry Jr.© @m______ts

Since their ceremony will be civil, the couple will meet their guests directly in the 12th century mansion that Inés’s father has in the city of Segovia, which was completely restored during the pandemic with the help of Belén Benjumea. An architectural jewel that maintains its centuries-old essence – both with furniture and paintings – but that also combines the most contemporary elements. Not to mention its beautiful garden and dream views of the countryside that surrounds the city.

The story of two great sagas

With this wedding, two great Spanish dynasties will unite: the Francos and the Ybarras. On the one hand, Jaime Ardid is one of the three children of Mariola Martínez-Bordiú, who many consider to be Francisco Franco’s most discreet granddaughter. Despite everything, Mariola did not prevent her relationship with Jaime Ardid Villoslada from generating great media interest. In fact, it made the cover of our magazine.

Jaime Ardid with Abel Matutes Jr and Eugenia Silva© GTRES

This union, which took place 50 years ago in the El Pardo Palace, attracted attention and not only because Mariola arrived at the altar arm in arm with Franco or Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía were among the guests. By the whims of fate, the groom was the son of Tomás Ardid Rey, a Republican general who fought with the Popular Army during the Civil War and played a key role during the defense of Madrid – although he ended up being pardoned in the 1940s and died in 1958. This is one of the few moments that Mariola has monopolized the media spotlight, since she now leads a completely discreet life in Villafranca del Castillo, on the outskirts of Madrid.

For her part, Inés is the second of the three daughters that the journalist and businessman Enrique Ybarra e Ybarra had with Ernestina Pasch, who died of cancer in 2011, at the age of 52. The creative director is part of one of the most important sagas in the industrial, agri-food and communication sectors in our country. His great-great-grandfather was the Bilbao businessman José María Ybarra Gutiérrez de Caviedes, who not only created an entire canning empire once he settled in Andalusia, but also co-founded the Seville Fair in the mid-19th century.

Belén Ordovás Lladó, Inés Ybarra and Malena de la Torre© @belen_o_ll

But he is not the only illustrious ancestor of Inés. Among others, his great-grandfather was Gabriel Ybarra dela Revilla, co-founder of the regional newspaper ‘El Pueblo Vasco’; and his grandfather, the businessman Javier de Ybarra y Bergé, who was president of the Vizcaya Provincial Council, mayor of Bilbao and also president of the newspaper ‘El Correo’. A man of great influence in Spanish politics and society, Javier was kidnapped by ETA in May 1977. The terrorist group demanded a ransom of 1,000 million pesetas from his family, but the negotiations were interrupted and the armed gang murdered the businessman a month later. That family tragedy ended up being part of the novel ‘El Comensal’, published by one of Inés’ two sisters, the writer Gabriela Ybarra, in whose pages she also relived the severe illness of her mother, Ernestina Pasch. This work was not only a literary success, but was made into a film by Ángeles González-Sinde, filmmaker and former Minister of Culture.

Between fashion and investments

In her case, Inés has preferred to dedicate herself to the world of fashion. This past summer she posed for Simorra with Lucía Rivera and, in 2017, she did so for the designer Moisés Nieto alongside Lulu Figueroa or the twins Helena and Lucía Cuesta, nieces of the singer Ana Belén. However, currently, Inés is more focused on her work as a photographer and artistic director, as well as in his table design firm, Casa Hariwhich she created last year with her friend Oliva Sartogo.

Inés Ybarra, posing with Lucía Rivera for Simorra, this past summer© JORROC

Her fiancé, Jaime Ardid Martínez-Bordiú, demonstrates that he has a great nose for real estate investments and businesses. On the one hand, he is CEO of ARD Investment & Development, which partnered with the Six Senses chain last year to open a hotel in the La Caprichosa farmhouse, in the mountains of Seville. In addition, Jaime is a partner in Didra, a company with which his family manages their real estate projects. For example, in 2021, the Ardid Martínez-Bordiú sold the Bless Hotel in Madrid, a five-star hotel located in the heart of the Salamanca neighborhood, for 114 million euros, as published that same year. On the other hand, as we mentioned previously, Jaime is vice president of the Recal Foundation, which Maximilian of Habsburg created to help patients with addictions.

Jaime Ardid (left), with another assistant, at the Recal Foundation charity dinner, in September 2023© Fernando Junco

On a personal level, Inés Ybarra’s fiance has two children from his first marriage to fellow investor Carmen Panadero Reyes. That wedding was celebrated in the summer of 2004 at the Pazo de Meirás and was attended by personalities such as Maximilian of Habsburg himself or Colate Vallejo-Nágera, as well as a large representation of the Martínez-Bordiú family. A meeting that was quite a social event and that will contrast with the low profile that Jaime Ardid wants to maintain with Inés Ybarra, in their civil wedding this Saturday the 28th. We will see if his wishes come true.

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