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Saturday, September 28, 2024

AMLO criticizes protection of workers on judicial reform – Grupo Milenio

The president Andrés Manuel López Obrador criticized that workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation “They are protecting themselves for everything”before the reform of that power.

In your morning press conferencethe president expressed that there is no basis for the protections that were filed in various instances against the judicial reform.

“There is a kind of self-confidence in judges, magistrates, ministers, even when they do not do it openly, they are promoting illegality, for example granting protection to stop the legislative process, on what basis, or protection so that the INE does not call elections, on what basis and they are protecting themselves for everything, that I did not publish the approval of the law of the constitutional reform in matters of the Judiciary, on what basis, if what is established by the same constitution is being complied with.”

López Obrador affirmed that the resources to carry out the election of judges, ministers and magistrates are guaranteed, with the extinction of trusts of the Judicial Branch and also with the extinction of various autonomous organs, with the reform that he proposed in February and that is pending approval.

“There are two things that are going to be achieved as additional resources, one is everything they have in the trusts in the Judiciary, which is to pay for privileges, so that they earn 4 times more than the President, so that they live with attention and privileges I think it’s 20 billion so that’s where they’re going to come from, it’s not that the elections are going to cost that much but there are enough resources there; Furthermore, it is to clean up the Judiciary, to reform it.”

“And then there is the reform that was sent, to eliminate all these supposedly autonomous organizations, which serve no purpose, which do not help anything, well, they do serve, the oligarchy to protect the interests of minorities and who can loot their widths, but they do not serve the people, imagine how much they are going to save there is enough for the election and more than enough.”

The head of the Executive called for wide dissemination of the careers of all candidates for judges, magistrates and ministers when his election was carried out and he even called the INE so that “it can deliver information house to house.”

“A campaign could be carried out, but I have no idea how it would be carried out, but the truth always makes its way and people are already very informed, they look for information, there is more information available than before, now with this from the king, information has come out “A lot of all kinds, people know well what it is about and in just a few days.”


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