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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Autonomous University of Sinaloa announces indefinite work stoppage – Grupo Milenio

The Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS) declared an indefinite work stoppage as of October 7, 2024.

This measure, which will affect activities academic, administrative and of investigation of the institution, arises as a response to what the university considers a violation of their autonomy by the state government.

In a statement issued by the person in charge of the UAS Rectory office, Candelario Ortiz Buenoargues that, since February 2023, the university is the victim of “political persecution” orchestrated by the three powers from the state of Sinaloa.

The document accuses the Executive Branch, headed by the governor Ruben Rocha Moyato exert pressure on the local Legislative and Judicial powers, with the aim of intervene in the internal life of the universityviolating constitutional principles.

The controversy began when the Sinaloa Congress approved the Sinaloa Higher Education Law in February 2023, legislation that, according to the university, violates their autonomyenshrined in the seventh section of the third article of the Political Constitution and in the General Law of Higher Education.

The UAS filed a protection which, they claim, was resolved in their favor, confirming that said law violated autonomy university.

They accuse contempt of court ruling

Despite the court ruling, which would force Congress and the governor to do not apply unconstitutional articles of the law, the State Congress continued with a legislative process that modified the Organic Law of the UAS.

According to the university statement, these modifications were made without consulting the university community and were published in the Official Newspaper of Sinaloa on October 3, 2024, although the document is dated the previous day.

The university noted that these reforms were promoted without due process of consultation and participation of the academic community, and accuses the state government of using its power of arbitrary way.

In addition, he maintains that the changes to the Organic Law of the UAS respond to a political agenda that seeks to erode the autonomy of the institution.

Dismissal of university authorities

Another of the key elements that causes the indefinite unemployment is the dismissal of Robespierre Lizárraga Otero as head of the rectory office, a decision that was made by the control judge Carlos Alberto Herrera.

This removal is considered by the university as part of the same “political persecution” which began in 2023 with the separation of the then rector, Jesus Madueña Molina.

The dismissal of Lizárraga Otero, according to the statement, puts the academic and administrative stability of the university, since the UAS faces a situation of uncertainty that affects directly its operation.

The institution denounces that the judge acted “illegally and arrogantly”when responding to political pressures from the state government.

Justification of the strike

The UAS ensures that the indefinite unemployment is a necessary measure in the face of the “closedness and illegality” with which the powers of the state have acted.

In the statement, Ortiz Bueno regrets the impact that this decision will have on the academic, cultural and sports life of the university, but emphasizes that the university community has no other option in the face of what it considers a direct attack on its autonomy.

The strike, which will come into effect on Monday, October 7will affect thousands of UAS students, academics and workers on all its campuses.

However, the university called for understanding and solidarity of students, parents and Sinaloa society in general, considering that the defense of autonomy university is a crucial issue not only for the UAS, but for the future of education top in the state.

Support from the university union

In a second statement issued by the Single Union of Workers of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (Suntuas), the union organization spoke out in defense of university autonomy and against the intervention of the state government.

The Suntuas points out that the actions of the local congressby modifying the Organic Law of the UAS, are illegal and violate federal resolutions that protect the university.

The union highlights that, since its creation, the UAS It has been a factor of stability in Sinaloacontributing to the development of the state through the offer of educational programs quality.

Government intervention, they argue, not only affects the autonomy of the institution, but it also puts the well-being of the community at risk. academic and administrative.

Furthermore, Suntuas rejects what it considers a campaign of harassment and repression against the authorities and university workers, pointing out that the dismissal of Lizárraga Otero it’s a clear example of this persecution.

In its statement, the union also advocates for a respectful dialogue in which respect for legality and the rights of the university community.

They ask for federal intervention

Finally, Candelario Ortiz He called on the President of the Republic, Claudia Sheinbaumso that intervene in resolving the conflict.

Ortiz Bueno expressed his trust in the leadership of the president, who, according to the statement, could mediate to find a solution that allows normality to be restored in the UAS and guarantee respect for its autonomy.


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