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Does having high cholesterol affect the health of your hair?

The latest blood tests have given you a surprise: you have high cholesterol. Without a doubt, a great concern for many Spaniards, especially if one takes into account that 50.5% of the adult population of Spain has hypercholesterolemia, that is, cholesterol levels above normalaccording to the ENRICA study. You link it with an increase in cardiovascular risk, above all, but did you know that high cholesterol levels can also influence your hair health?

Read also: Why doesn’t my cholesterol go down if I’m eating well?

What is cholesterol?

Specifically, this molecule is part of the group of fats that we have in our blood and experts explain to us that It is essential for the proper functioning of our body. Among its functions, it should be noted that, as it is part of the membranes of our cells, it is necessary for the formation of hormones, as well as for the metabolism of vitamin D, which is essential for the absorption of calcium and bile acids.

Increased cholesterol is linked to an increase in fat in the blood, which affects the functioning of the hair follicle.

Doctor María del Carmen Soto

How does high or low cholesterol affect hair?

It is the big question we ask ourselves, how having high cholesterol levels can affect the health of our hair. “High cholesterol can cause increased sebumin addition to thickening the blood, which can lead to clogging of the hair follicle that weakens the hair. Furthermore, increased cholesterol is linked to an increase in fat in the blood, which affects the functioning of the hair follicle, but it is important to emphasize that there is no solid scientific evidence to ensure that high cholesterol causes hair loss. although Some studies make an association between ‘bad’ cholesterol and hair loss“, explains the Dr. María del Carmen Sotofrom Capilar Hospital.

“In recent studies, a higher incidence of androgenetic alopecia has been seen in patients with high HDL, that is, what we colloquially call bad cholesterol. What remains to be determined is the mechanism by which both pathologies are connected,” the expert explains, mentioning studies that have associated high cholesterol and cardiovascular conditions with a greater predisposition to alopecia, although there are no studies. enough or statistics to support it.

Affects the general health of the person

What is evident, as the doctor details, is that cholesterol directly affects a person’s general health, “and Hair is often the first thing to be affected by any health problem.“, therefore, although we have not determined how it affects, there are statistics that affirm that cholesterol can cause greater hair loss.” That is why it is important to maintain good levels that, in addition to being good for our overall health, will also contribute to hair health, maintaining an adequate balance in the functioning of the sebaceous gland.

Read also: Are you losing more hair than normal? This may be the reason

Does having high cholesterol affect the health of your hair?© Getty Images

Does the type of cholesterol, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, influence?

One of the doubts that we also ask ourselves is whether the type of cholesterol influences hair health differently. “LDL and HDL are lipoproteins that transport cholesterol. LDL are low density and are commonly called ‘bad cholesterol’ and their excess is associated with cardiovascular problems, and HDL or high density are ‘good cholesterol’ and are cardioprotective. Therefore, It is the LDL thatin some way, would be associated with worse health in general and, therefore, They would also influence hair health”, emphasizes Dr. María del Carmen Soto.

What signs indicate that our hair is affected?

We must, therefore, be attentive to possible signs that alert us that we have a problem with our hair. Thus, experts tell us that one of the warning signs that may indicate that you are suffering from a cardiovascular or cholesterol problem could be lto loss of density or progressive weakness of the hair. They may appear accompanied of other symptoms in our body such as paleness, muscle pain or fatigue in the legs.

The skin, hair and nails are the external signs that will immediately reflect our state of health.

Doctor María del Carmen Soto

Diet, a good ally of our hair

Diet, therefore, can become a good ally to try to reduce cholesterol levels and, at the same time, improve the health of our hair, as confirmed by the doctor. “This is reflected in the fact that, many times, A simple change in diet or extreme diets can cause effluvium and weakening of our hair.. Diets based on an imbalance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats produce visible deterioration in the hair,” he explains.

What should a beneficial diet for our hair be like? The doctor points out the need to take a balanced diet, based on fresh foodswhere we include vegetables and fruits, meats and fish in appropriate proportions and quantities. “Healthy hair is a reflection of a healthy life and diet, while its deterioration will be a warning sign about our health,” he tells us.

“Food is key not only in the state of our hair but in general in our metabolism. The skin, hair and nails are the external signs that will immediately reflect our state of health and, even if we are healthy, they will show if We have healthy lifestyle habits or not. That is why if we want to have healthy hair that grows quickly and strong, it is very important that the diet is healthy, balanced and rich in fresh foods. For example, we all know that. Iron deficiency causes anemia, which causes hair loss and with it slower growth,” the pharmaceutical company tells us. Meritxell Martí.

Thus, some of the essentials that he recommends are zinc, sulfur, iron, B vitamins such as biotin and pantothenic acidas well as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D and essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6. Foods rich in these substances are those that we should include in our diet. If we make a list of products that could be good for us, we would include, for example, eggs, seafood, seeds, peas, red fruits, spinach, salmon or sardines or avocado.

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