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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Guide to dressing like a real ‘horse girl’

“These boots are made for walking” (“These boots are made for walking”) sang Nancy Sinatra in 1966 without being aware that her phrase would become one of the most repeated in the fashion universe. The American woman pronounced one of the mottos that fashion brands would most appropriate in subsequent decades, sentencing an anthem that, even today, could well make sense, because if this footwear is already a valid option whatever the season, this Fall/Winter 2024-2025 has been following the aesthetic codes of one of the latest terms to go viral on the Internet, the horse girl

Guide to dressing like a real ‘horse girl’© Getty Images

The horse girl, As its name indicates, it carries behind its name the aesthetics that take as a starting point the characteristic clothing of women who practice horse riding, but at the same time, those that we could very well see in a rodeo in the Far West. Both one aspect and the other seem to be the two sources of inspiration when it comes to dressing for many of the girls and women who inspire fashion. Nothing that comes by chance, because if we look back and review the timeline of the lives of many of the style references of the moment, we find that many of them have published photographs of themselves on social networks taking care of, or riding, horses. . Some, like the Spanish actress María Pedraza, have declared themselves fans of this sport, and others, like Kendall Jenner, have confessed that it helps them with their emotional management as a therapy. But there is even more, as other names, such as Beyoncé, have also used horses to present the promotional images that accompany their projects. Putting all these events together, and adding the recent appearance of Bella Hadid on a horse in New York for an event, it was only a matter of time before the trend horse girl will land in our lives.

The little Hadid, who was responsible for many TikTok users defining their style under the name weird girl (“weird girl”)now perfectly embodies the aesthetic cowboyHowever, the latest update of this trend goes one step further and extends its aesthetic to a wider range of looks and garments. Although dressing as if we were at the ranch is the most faithful option to aesthetics, the truth is that for lovers of discretion there is also room in this bet. But let’s go one step at a time, so first let’s talk about how we can recreate a 100% horse girl Bella Hadid style.

Guide to being a 'horse girl'© Getty Images

How to be one horse girl from the far west

The model has been surprising us for weeks with outfits full of clothes that fit perfectly into this category. She is pure inspiration, so if we want to imitate her, we can choose three different types of looks. On the one hand, the most suitable for these days when it is still a little hot is the one that opts for wearing mini dresses with flowing skirts with cowboy boots. On the other hand, and also for days when the cold does not yet threaten our days, choosing a corseted top and combining it with midi denim skirts and the same boots can be a great option, as well as, at night, replacing that same skirt with a pair of leather pants that we wear, revealing only the tip of the shoe. If, on the other hand, it is starting to get colder, we can wear a long-sleeved shirt that fits the body, unbutton a button on the neckline to give it a more sensual look, combine it with flared jeans, and, essential, a wide-brimmed hat. To give it even more notoriety, a successful trick to put the final finishing touch with style is to add a belt with a silver buckle to the outfit.

Guide to being a 'horse girl'© Getty Images

Guide to join the trend on the street

Clarified the way of dressing of the horse girls further Western, The time has come to talk about those who prefer more discreet outfits, but who do not want to be left behind in the trend. To do this, a good way to create a look is to try to think that you are going to an equestrian class. A tight pair of pants beige (we can replace it with some leggings)with a tucked-in shirt, a jacket, and riding or equestrian boots (whether for jumping, dressage, polo or with gaiters) is enough. And, as with any aesthetic, we can play with different clothes and replace some of the pieces. For example, the jacket can be replaced by a fringed jacket, or a leather one. The boots, if we want, can have a little heel. Even if we want a more informal bet adapted to generation Z, a style guideline that does not fail is to choose the denim fabric as the protagonist, wearing it both in total looks and, at least, starring in the majority of the ensemble.

Guide to being a 'horse girl'© Getty Images

The aesthetics horse girl Not only is it an ode to equestrian clothing, but it becomes a set of key garments that allow infinite combinations, adapting to both the most daring and the most discreet styles. From mini dresses with cowboy boots to skinny pants with fitted shirts, this trend offers options for everyone. These boots are made for walking, said Nancy Sinatra. How right he was, because today, more than ever, this type of footwear seems to be made to take us to conquer the asphalt.

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