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HSE issue warning over condition that can cause strokes & confirm 4 key changes that can transform health

HSE bosses have issued a serious warning over a condition that can lead to heart problems or even cause a stroke.

And there are four key changes that you can make to transform your health.

The HSE issued a warning on the dangers of having high cholesterol


The HSE issued a warning on the dangers of having high cholesterolCredit: Getty Images – Getty

The health group took to X to warn of the dangers having high cholesterol can cause.

Cholesterol is a substance found in fats that’s needed to build healthy cells, but it can increase the risk of heart disease if levels are too high.

It’s made by the liver but found in certain foods, and high levels can increase your risk of serious health problems.

A high-fat diet can cause fatty plaques to build up in your arteries.

The HSE said: “High cholesterol is when you have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood.

“Too much cholesterol can block your blood vessels.

“It makes you more likely to have heart problems or a stroke.”

People can lower their cholesterol with a healthy diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking and cutting down on alcohol.

There are two types of fat – saturated and unsaturated.

The health experts said to avoid foods containing saturated fats.

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They will increase the levels of “bad cholesterol”  in your blood.

Foods high in saturated fat include sausages, fatty cuts of meat, butter, lard, cream, hard cheese, cakes, biscuits and foods that contains coconut or palm oil.

It’s important to replace these saturated fats with unsaturated fats like oily fish, avocados, nuts, olive oil and seeds.

HSE officials said: “A low-fat diet including lots of fibre and plenty of fruit and vegetables has also been shown to help lower cholesterol.

“Fruit and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and fibre. They help keep your body in good condition. Aim to eat five 80g portions of fruit and vegetables every day.”


The health pros warned that smoking is a “major risk factor for both heart attacks and strokes”.

They explained that a chemical found in cigarettes stops High-density lipoprotein (HDL) transporting fatty deposits to the liver.

HDL cholesterol, the “good” cholesterol, helps remove other forms of cholesterol from your bloodstream.


Exercise stimulates the body to move fatty deposits to the liver, so they can be broken down.

Physical activity will help lower your blood pressure by keeping your heart and blood vessels in good condition.

It’s recommended to engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week.


By reducing your alcohol intake, you could prolong your life.

The HSE advised people to try avoid drinking more than the recommended weekly units.

These are 11 standard drinks for women and 17 standard drinks for men.

They said it’s important to have several drink-free days each week and avoid binge drinking.

HSE diet guidelines to help cut cholesterol

TOO much cholesterol can block your blood vessels.

Cut down on foods that are high in saturated fat, including:

  • sausages and fatty cuts of meat
  • butter
  • lard
  • cream
  • hard cheese
  • cakes and biscuits
  • food that contains coconut or palm oil

 It’s important to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats.

Foods that are high in unsaturated fat include:

  • oily fish – such as mackerel, salmon and tuna
  • avocados
  • nuts and seeds
  • sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil

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