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Monday, September 23, 2024

Iguala night victim recalls police shooting – Grupo Milenio

Alfredo shows the bullet hole which were left on his shoulder to prove his story. He was shot by a commando of hooded policemen as he was passing over the bridge The Chipote September 26, 2014.

He was just in the wrong place on the day of the events, an isolated case to the disappearance of the 43 normalistasbut one more victim in that Iguala night.

It was after 11 p.m. and it was raining, he recalls. He moves his hand with difficulty and points: “Some shrapnel hit here and could no longer be recovered finger mobility“This finger broke when I threw myself onto the lower part of the seat.”

Aun with fear, he recounts MILLENNIUM Their fortuitous and fateful trip aboard a taxi just at the moment when they were last seen 43 students of the Normal Raul Isidro Burgos in Iguala, Guerrero.

This September 26, the case reaches a decade without any knowledge of the whereabouts of the students or of those who tried shoot dead a couple of union members and a taxi driver who was just passing by.

That afternoon, Alfredo Ramirez had had a meeting of the Union of High Schools in Igualawhere he was general secretary. He recalls that, coming from Ixtapa, there was a traffic jam, it was raining, and it took him almost an hour to get there.

He was traveling with another companion aboard a taxi on the route that would pass through the vicinity of the Palace of Justice in Igualawhat they call Judicial Cityor the El Chipote bridge. Gunshots could be heard, he emphasizes.

“When we arrived we saw a bus in pieces with dents in the windows, cracked and I asked the taxi driver: ‘Hey, what happened? The taxi driver told me, ‘it’s that they were the ayotzinapos‘(sic), is what he said. We continued the march and I heard several alleged shots, I told him… ‘no, they are probably kids with rockets,’ he insisted, and we continued the march..

Before arriving at the cruise ship Saint Teresago on the Iguala lane towards Chilpancingo There were two closed vans to the south, Urban type. The taxi driver had to stop. It was still drizzling, not very strong. They shined their lights on him and he sped off.

“When you start, on the right hand side a group of police officers, I don’t know, municipal, state… who knows, hooded, with long weaponsthey were all standing at a distance of about 10 meters.

“They pointed at us, when they pointed the taxi driver became alarmed and accelerated much more, and they came Right hand shots; I was shot here and another colleague behind me in the back of the car, another bullet hit his foot and the taxi was able to run 70 meters. So we escaped that shooting and he couldn’t run any further, they had shot at the radiator. We got out,” he recalls.

To get out, he ran along the road until he came across a taxi that stopped when it saw the magnitude of the event, at which point it turned around and left the place.

Alfredo has already recovered, but he still cautiously tells the anecdote of Iguala’s night -also based on expert reports from the three levels of government and reports prepared by the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH)-, regarding the case that has been making headlines around the world for 10 years.

Alfredo’s claim, like that of the Parents of students of the missing first year, remains the same: “I as a citizen victim of these events Yes, I will always insist that they be clarified and that the missing boys be presented alive.”


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