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Saturday, September 28, 2024

John’s movement will be slow and harmful upon landfall, SMN alert – Millennium Group

John’s movement will be slow and harmful upon landfall, SMN alert – Millennium Group

It is expected that the hurricane displacement John be slow and harmfulindicated Alejandra Méndez Girón, general coordinator of the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

In a press conference, the official indicated that the cyclone, currently category 1, could make landfall tonight between the municipalities of Aquila, Michoacanand Manzanillo, Colima.

John could reach category 2

However, he pointed out that it is not ruled out that John reach category 2. Then his career would continue as tropical storm during the Friday about Colima and Jalisco.

Slow-moving hurricanes cause greater damage

The official highlighted that, around 1:00 p.m., the center of the hurricane was parkedand it is expected that during this afternoon-night start moving very slowly towards the northeast.

John would move towards coasts of Michoacán and Colimafor which he called for “extreme precautions, due to the effects of the hurricane and its slow movement, since the Hurricanes, when moving slowly, cause greater damage“.

The SMN coordinator explained that John was parked due to the presence of a high pressure system that covers the north of the country.

“It is expected that landfall during Thursday night and early Friday morning between the municipalities of Aquila, Michoacán, and Manzanillo, Colima, as a category 1 hurricane, with winds of 119 to 153 kilometers per hour, and it is not ruled out that it could reach category 2, with winds of 154 to 177 kilometers per hour.” .

By Saturday, the remnants of John are over the south of Nayarit, the official reported.

Hurricane ‘John’ will leave damage in these states

He stressed that it remains hurricane surveillance zone from Punta San Telmo, Michoacán, to Manzanillo, Colima and the hurricane prevention zone from Tecpan de Galeana, Guerrero to Punta San Telmo, Michoacán.

“In their trajectory the bands of the system, regardless of the moment of impact, They will leave intense to extraordinary rains in a period of 24 to 72 hours, in Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero and Oaxaca, it will also reinforce the potential for heavy to occasionally intense rains in the states of Bajío, Center, East and Southeast of the country.”

He said that they are expected winds of 120 to 140 kilometers per hourpossible formation of waterspouts and waves of 4 to 6 meters high on the coasts of Guerrero, Michoacán and Colimaas well as winds of 50 to 70 kilometers per hour and waves of 2 to 4 meters high on the southern coasts of Nayarit, Jalisco and Oaxaca.

“These rains could cause landslides, floods and rise in rivers and streamsin the aforementioned states,” he highlighted, calling on the population to “take extreme precautions, due to the effects of the hurricane and its slow movement, since hurricanes when they move slowly cause greater damage.”

Also, he called on maritime vessels to take extreme precautions and to the ports which are found in the south of Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero and Oaxaca. As well as, the general population to pay attention to the recommendations issued by the national civil protection system and the warnings and bulletins issued by the National Meteorological Service.


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