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New York
Saturday, October 5, 2024

King Philip is already in Jordan, received with honors at the airport by Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein

Felipe VI is already in Jordan, where he arrived this Saturday afternoon at Queen Alia International Airport in Amman. The monarch thus began his official visit to the Hashemite kingdom and, in the royal pavilion of these facilities, he was received with a cordon of honor by Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein.

King Philip is already in Jordan, received with honors at the airport by Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein© Royal House

After his affectionate greeting to King Abdullah’s youngest brother, our sovereign was also welcomed there by the Spanish ambassador to the Middle Eastern country, Miguel de Lucas, and the Jordanian ambassador to our country, Raghad Al Saqqa. , among other authorities.

The head of state has traveled accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares and by the director of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, Antón Leis.

© Royal House

Who He has not gone with the King, it is Doña Letiziawho had planned to accompany him but has stayed in Madrid due to the war tensions that surround this area of ​​the planet. Furthermore, Don Felipe’s official visit was going to last three days, but it was decided to shorten one date so that it will finally be two.

After his landing, the monarch will offer a reception to the Spanish community in Jordan. The next day, Sunday, they will move to Baqa’a, the refugee camp of the United Nations Agency for the Population of Palestine in the Near East (UNRWA). Afterwards, the official welcome will take place at Al Hussainiya Palace.

© Royal House

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