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Marta Riumbau tells us how she lives her last days of pregnancy: ‘I’m impatient’

For Marta Riumbau this October It will be the most special of your life. He is counting the days until he has his daughter in his arms and excitedly finalizing all the preparations for your arrival. She does not lack energy, she recognizes that she has even more than without being pregnant, and she is looking forward to the moment of meet your little Juliet.

It was last May when I announced in our pages that I had taken the decision to be a solo mother and he told us what the whole process had been like until he fulfilled his great dream. Now he looks back and confesses that he has learned, been surprised and enjoyed these nine months, although the first trimester was more difficult due to discomfort and some complications. She has already chosen the medical team with which she will give birth and she tells us how she is spending these last few weeks, who is her greatest support and how she has been transforming her house to welcome her baby.

Marta Riumbau tells us how she lives her last days of pregnancy: ‘I’m impatient’© VALERO RIOJA
Last May, Marta announced in our pages that she had made the decision to become a solo mother and told us what the entire process had been like until she fulfilled her great dream.

-There’s nothing left until Julieta is born, how much do you expect?

-Yeah! I can’t wait to have her in my arms, I’m already impatient. I settle accounts on October 23, there is nothing left.

-How are you handling the final stretch? Do you feel more tired or, on the contrary, with more energy?

-The truth is that I have not lost energy at any time, I remain super active, even more than without be pregnant. Nest syndrome means you are constantly preparing the house and “just in case.” The perfect excuse to do what I like most, renovations (which I do myself if I can), redecorate, move things around to create a more welcoming and warm atmosphere, organize… and getting work done to have a calmer November with her.

-Where are you going to give birth? Do you have a specific team of doctors that you have chosen?

Almost halfway through the pregnancy I changed hospitalssince by bad luck I suppose, in each check-up I had a different professional, to whom I had to explain my history, how many weeks it was, the sex of the baby, etc. And if there was one thing clear to me, it was that I needed to connect with my doctor, who would always be the same and give me confidence. And finally, I opted for Bmum, without a doubt an investment for my peace of mind. I am happy and with a team that I have gotten to know throughout these weeks and months and who will be the ones who accompany me on what, without a doubt, will be the most special day.

“The birth, more than fear, gives me respect, but I know that I will be well surrounded and that calms me a lot”

-Are you afraid of childbirth?

-Less and less, more than fear it is respect, but I know that I will be well surrounded and that calms me a lot.

-Is there anything you have prepared, such as candles, a Pilates ball or music, for giving birth?

-Nothing at all, they told me that I have to create a playlist with the songs I want to listen to during labor and, yes, there will be a dim light that will make everything more intimate.

-Have you read a lot about childbirth and breastfeeding in these months?

-A little bit of everything and a lot of nothing. I bought several books to inform myself about pregnancy in generalthe stages, the changes, the baby’s growth process, breastfeeding but out of pure interest and curiosity, not out of concern or wanting to know more. I fully trust the professionals. That’s why I haven’t gone into depth either, in the appointments with the midwife you also learn a lot.

-Do you have everything ready to go to the hospital?

-I have nothing at all… neither bought nor prepared! I hope that this week I will get around to it because at any moment I will have to grab the bags and go to the hospital.

Marta Riumbau pregnant© VALERO RIOJA
The ‘influencer’ tells us that she already has everything ready at home for Julieta’s arrival

-And at home? Do you have everything? We have already seen how you have been decorating Julieta’s room

-Almost everything now! I have his room ready and since I’m going to co-sleep for the first year, they recommended putting a dresser with a changing table in my room as well to make things easier and that’s what I’m working on right now.

-Who are your greatest supporters during pregnancy?

-I confess that I am carrying it very independently because I think no one would say that I am pregnant. I haven’t changed anything, I still do everything myself and except the first trimester which was a little more complicated, the rest has been wonderful. Of course, when my parents come to Madrid I let myself be taken care of and they help me a lot. Now, in this last month the 37 weeks are already noticeable and at the end of the day everything costs a little more.

-Now that the pregnancy is coming to an end, what assessment do you make of these months? Have they been how you expected?

-I never idealized or romanticized pregnancy, so yes, I have learned, I have been surprised and I have enjoyed the whole process. You have your moments of discomfort, some complications and worries, but you are creating a life within you, it is something incredible that your body can do. And the feeling of feeling your baby, seeing how it moves and responding to you, is indescribable. Furthermore, I have been lucky that she is tremendously active, I feel her all the time, I would say that she doesn’t sleep, she is like me! -laughs-.

“I never idealized or romanticized pregnancy, so yes, I have learned, I have been surprised and I have enjoyed the whole process”

-Are you worried about recovering your figure after giving birth? Although it seems that you have gained normal weight

-It hasn’t even crossed my mind. In fact, I don’t know anything about weight. Manu, who is my doctor, is not in favor of weighing or monitoring, since it can be counterproductive. I imagine that, if for health reasons there is an excess, yes, but if not… And I think it’s great, since the vast majority of extra weight is the weight of the baby, the placenta, the amniotic fluid, the blood… Your body retains many liquids, you don’t have to obsess, lead a healthy life, indulge your whims and each body is a world.

-Will you take some time off from networking afterwards or will you watch it as you go?

-It is not something that I have considered, obviously my priorities change and I want to enjoy my baby, learn and adapt. The first month I will take it easier.

-Finally, how do you see yourself as a mother now that there is nothing left to hold your baby in your arms?

-Until I have her with me I think I can’t get used to the idea, now I only dream of that moment, I’m looking forward to it.

HELLO+4163 Marta Riumbau pregnant© VALERO RIOJA

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