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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Michoacán-the-state-that-transforms-copper-into-art- Grupo Milenio

When walking through the streets of Santa Clara del Cobre is inevitable see the mineral transformed into earrings, bracelets, vases, lamps and, of course, in the traditional cases in which carnitas are prepared.

The scenes support the prestige that Michoacán has as one of the entities where they are created crafts that distinguish us worldwide; The state is also the birthplace of guitars in Paracho, spheres in Tlalpujahua and clay catrinas in Capula.

“We do not have a copper mine to create all the items we make in Santa Clara, We work with recycled mineral from the wiring that comes to us from all over the countrywhich makes our work one hundred percent sustainable,” he explains to MILLENNIUM, María Dayana Pérez Mendoza, municipal president of Salvador Escobedomunicipality to which the magical town belongs.

At the Copper Museum, located on the main street, where you can see a variety of copper products, as well as texts that explain the origin of crafts and work techniques, Villicaña—who has only been taking his job for a few days mandate—shares that One of its objectives is to project all the work that is done on its landthrough “the creation of a brand”.

Although the copper art of Santa Clara already achieves international recognition, the Punzo Chávez brothers, Carlos and Abdón, are heirs and also creators of that prestige.

“More than a job It is a passion that we bring from our heritage; We are the fourth generation, my grandfather did cases and my father began to innovate; “We were learning and trying to challenge the technique of doing new things,” says Carlos, who in a room in his workshop-gallery, The art of copperis surrounded by the works he creates with his brother and his work team.

Proudly, he highlights that both in his workshop and throughout the Pueblo Mágico, “we continue working with the traditional technique of hammering.”

Michoacán-the-state-that-transforms-copper-into-art- Grupo Milenio
Artisans of Santa Clara del Cobre | Special

Artisanal processes

Vessels, vases and pots are some of the pieces that can be seen in the workshop, where you can hear the hammering noise of the artisans who, a few meters away, are creating new works, after the mineral has been smelted at high temperatures.

“Each of the pieces has different work processes and techniquesbecause copper can be worked with the embossed, solid, chiseled, silvering technique. We can even work by inlaying silver,” says the artisan, while showing one of the works that has such special work.

According to the technique, it is the production time and the cost of the parts in the workshop, which They range from 4 thousand pesos to 200 thousand pesos.

“Some are very complicated to make; “We have won several national competitions, which have given us great exposure,” says Carlos.

Both he and his brother Abdon have special affection for one of their most recent works, my roosterthat They received the Great Masters Awardand represents a very special feeling for his father.

“We were in the process of making the piece when Covid hit and my dad and I got sick; everything stopped. But my brother continued working and we showed the piece to my father to make him want to, to encourage him, but he couldn’t: he died. When we finished the piece we decided to participate in the contest. We won the prize, but It represents mixed feelings for us about the death of my father.and on the other hand because it is another award that sustains the quality of the legacy we have inherited,” shares Abdon, while Carlos guides us to the work area.

There, the artisans continue hammering and shaping the works, while a copper plate heats up, before Carlos and Abdon take the hammer and begin to hit to show how the process of each of their creations begins, which sometimes It extends for eight or nine months, and in which “the creation of the neck of the work” stands out, which he says is one of the most complicated.

My rooster, winner of the Great Masters Award | Special
My rooster, winner of the Great Masters Award | Special

Carlos comments that copper work has diversified so in Santa Clara there are several proposals; Not only do they make art with the mineral.

“There are other workshops that are dedicated to making things for the kitchen, bathroom tubs, sinks; The hammered copper technique is extensive, and there is something for all clients; Yes, here all the workshops use the traditional hammering technique.”

As part of the tour of his workshop, the artisan assures that what copper utensils spoil is false: “They are myths, we use the cases to make the carnitas and the alembics to make the mezcal; They last a lifetime.”

Roberto Monroy García, Secretary of Tourism, specifies that The crafts of Santa Clara del Cobre are already protected.

“We have just achieved that hammered copper crafts have a designation of origin, so that they are protected against piracy.”

Copper art adds “to all the crafts that we have in the state and that distinguish us internationally. Just last year Alejandro Sanz came to Morelia and wanted a guitar. AND We were lucky that an artisan from Paracho had one that he liked a lot and he bought it.”

Copper Vessels | Special
Copper Vessels | Special

And furthermore

toast cake

The fair in Santa Clara del Cobre takes place in August; As part of the attractions of the Magic Town, while walking around the town you can enjoy one of the classic dishes served in the town: the toasted cake.

The dish has beans, pork cheese, tomato, onion, Perón chili, cabbage, Apache meat and sauce; It is heated over charcoal and since it is hot, it has the toast in the middle.

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