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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

New York Times expresses its support for Kamala Harris in US elections – Millennium Group

The diary The New York Times express in an editorial your support to the presidential candidacy of the democrat Kamala Harriswhich he described as “the only patriotic choice“in the face of the proposals and the record in the Republican’s White House Donald Trump.

Harris’ character and political experience, pillars of her candidacy

The editorial board of influential newspaper highlights the character, political priorities and experience as vice president and other positions of Harrisbut devote as much or more text to arguing why “It is difficult to imagine a candidate more unworthy to serve as president of the United States than donald trump“.

He Times recognizes that Harrismay not be the perfect candidate” by “the failures“of his government on the immigration system, public schools, housing costs or gun violence, but he says he is “alone in the race“presidential if you compare his resume with that of the convicted tycoon.

Above all, it points out that Harris has committed to use the power from his office to “help the Americans“, while the key proposals of trump, tax cuts and more fees, would benefit mainly to the rich and would raise the costs of living for the middle and lower classes.

A clash of visions

Also contrasts positions of both on issues such as women’s health and reproductive freedom, where Harris promise”enlarge” and trump “dismantle”, and in the multilateral system, where the democrat would “strengthen alliances with similar countries“in front of the Republican” who has threatened to destroy them.

In terms of migration, trump “go on demonizing and dehumanizing to migrants” while Harris “At least it offers the hope of a commitment, long denied by Congress, to secure the borders and return the nation to a sensible immigration system“, reads the text.

In addition to trump highlights his “please“by dictators and autocratic leaders, their insistence that their electoral failure of 2020 was due to fraud, his “disdain for the rule of law”, his indictment in several criminal cases or the number of former Republican officials with whom he worked and who have turned their backs on him.

Editorial support for Harris on the rise

The editorial boardwhich in 2020 already “raised the arguments more solid that could against the re-election of Mr. trump“, expresses now that this has transformed the institution of the Republican Party in “little more than a instrument in his attempt to regain power.

He New York Times has come uninterrupted backup to Democratic candidates in the presidential elections that there has been since 1956, when express his support for the Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower, whom also supported for his first term, in 1952.

Another New York heavyweight, the magazine New Yorkeralso expressed yesterday your support to Harrispointing out that:

“The vice president has shown the values ​​and basic political skills that would allow her to end, once and for all, a poisonous era defined by Donald Trump”


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