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News of protests 10 years later LIVE – Grupo Milenio

Torture behind the Ayotzinapa case

On October 29, 2014, divers from the Ministry of the Interior (Semar) found a black plastic bag with human remains in the San Juan River, which allegedly belonged to some of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa.

At that time it was learned that during the diligence he was present Tomas Zeron, accompanied by Augustin Garcia Reyes, The Chereje, one of the main suspects of being the material author of the murders, and who supposedly led the Mexican authorities to the place where the bodies of the normalistas had been abandoned.

However, just over five years after the case, in 2020, The Chereje He claimed that he had been a victim of torture by Zeron, a situation that had never been revealed before, but which at that time began to taint the historical truth that was revealed during Enrique Peña Nieto’s six-year term.

News of protests 10 years later LIVE – Grupo Milenio
Tomás Zerón explained the cases of torture for which he is accused (Design: Rafael Mejía).

“During the transfer of Agustín García Reyes to the state of Guerrero — to Cocula precisely — it has been said that he was a victim of torture, but I had no need to carry out any torture because he — 10 hours before my contact — had declared and said everything about the students (…) He mentioned times, he mentioned who participated, he was the one who told me that he was taking me to the place where they had thrown the remains of the students,” said the person in charge of the investigations into Ayotzinapa.

Years after the murder of the 43 students, the accusations against Tomás Zerón, for torture, were increasing; this is the case of a video in which the official is seen interrogating other suspects in a manner that is disproportionate to its functions.

In the video you can see a man identified as Felipe Rodriguez, The Brushtied to a chair and with his face covered in a room, where Zerón and other authorities appear.

Although in the video you never see the AIC holder touching or hitting him, It is presumed that the alleged suspect was a victim of torture that day.

“I threatened him not to lie to me, because we already had several testimonies that linked him to the scene as the murderer of the students, they mentioned him as the one who paid them (the hitmen, he was a very relevant person to know what had happened (…) You used a bit of verbal rudeness, I think that at that moment I went too far, but that’s it, it’s a threat, it’s not torture as it is mentioned,” Zerón acknowledged.

Another case of torture is that of the false Rana, a man who was persecuted for years by Mexican authorities, who confused him with one of the leaders of Guerreros Unidos and who was even visited in prison by then-President Enrique Peña Nieto. HERE the full news

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