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Saturday, September 28, 2024

North Capital Forum – Millennium Group

Mexico City /

Mexico, the United States and Canada must be considered the most competitive bloc in the world and to do so they need to see themselves more as strategic allies, he said. Enrique Perretexecutive director of the US-Mexico Foundation and president and founder of the North Capital Forum.

In an interview with MILENIO, he revealed that currently for Washington, its southern neighbors are not among the 10 most important “friends.”

“There is Japan, England, Australia, India, Canada and probably Germany before Mexico. So we have to go from that friendship, family, neighborhood, to saying, the North American bloc is a very particular one, which has interests,” he explained.

Given this need to see ourselves as a competitive group, the North Capital Forum was organized, a space where the objective is to make this message clear and where more than 200 speakers will participate in multiple panels.

“Mexico, the United States and Canada are complementary, from agricultural to technological issues, that includes talent and youth, but sometimes we don’t realize it and it must be said,” Perret remarked.

Perret also said that in the relationship between Mexico and the US, it is necessary to work on three relevant issues for both governments and that requires close collaboration between both.

“Immigration is going to be a fundamental issue, fentanyl too, because it requires a lot of attention. Let’s say that deep in the hearts of Americans, both Democrats and Republicans, they seek to end drugs because there are hundreds of thousands of people who are dying from this cause,” he said.

He recalled that in 2026 the review of T-MECso there are issues to knock on the door.

“Each person sees commerce from their perspective, whether global or local, and what they see, whether successful or not, is measured differently. One way may be with the price of the goods. A housewife who goes to the supermarket and says ‘it’s good that the free trade agreement exists because I have more variety and better costs,’” he highlighted.

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