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Sunday, September 29, 2024

PRI deputies point out that Morena policy leaves bad results – Milenio Group

PRI deputies point out that Morena policy leaves bad results – Milenio Group

On behalf of the PRI Parliamentary Group, deputies Leticia Barrera Maldonado and Abigail Arredondo Ramos explained that the social policy of the Morena government leaves great pending because the assistance did not reach the poorest nor did it improve the quality of life of the majority of Mexicans, as a consequence they pointed out, there are 9.1 million Mexicans in extreme poverty.

The legislator Leticia Barrera He assured that in this six-year term, more inequalities were generated because social policies were concentrated in certain areas and states, while others were forgotten. He indicated that, by cutting productive support, monopolies were strengthened and caused the closure of thousands of small and medium-sized companies.

He recalled that the PRI as an opposition has always been willing to build for the benefit of the mexican families, Therefore, he voted in favor of bringing social programs to the Constitution.

“We have always said that the programs and supports They do not belong to any party or any government in power, they belong to the Mexicans,” he stressed.

Barrera Maldonado emphasized that it will be commitment of the Legislature strengthen what is so needed by those who have less, which is health, housing, education and unfortunately public safety.

At the time, Congresswoman Abigail Arredondo asserted that the social policy of the Morena government failed to create the basic conditions for constant and sustainable development.

He noted that the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval) reports that more than 46 million poor people persist in the country, of which nine million live in extreme poverty.

He explained that it is the product of a social policy that instead of prioritizing true development has concentrated on creating a electoral clientelism, neglecting various sectors.

The deputy of Querétaro He pointed out that, in addition, important items such as educationwhere the PISA 2022 test revealed that one in two 15-year-old students does not understand what they read and two out of three cannot perform basic mathematical operations.

Another mistake, he said, was eliminating the Popular Insurance that benefited more than 53 million people and replace it with a failed experiment called Insabi.

He mentioned that the countryside also registered a decline after financing and insurance for rural areas were replaced by a direct support delivery system. However, he noted that the great absence in Morena’s social policy are women, because according to Coneval, 4 out of 10 live in poverty, there are 2.5 million more poor women than men and 42.6 million women are vulnerable. by income.

Arredondo Ramos described that this is the real Mexico, the one that hurts and that is far from the other data, and to which this government He has left so much, so much to owe.


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