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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Reinvestment boosts FDI in Mexico during López Obrador’s six-year term – Grupo Milenio

During the government of the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) recorded record levels year after year, much of it was reinvestment of companies that already operate in Mexico.

The new fresh capital accumulated between January 2019 to June 2024 sumo 59 thousand 749 million dollars12.7 percent less than what was recorded in the last six-year term.

According to the Ministry of Economy This decline is offset by the rebound in the reinvestment of profits. In the present six-year term they entered under this concept 120 thousand 356.7 million dollars43.7 percent more than what was reported between January 2013 and July 2018.

“The good business environment and the competitive advantages offered are the ideal situation to expand and improve your production processesbecoming companies that drive new investments,” he explained in his report to the second quarter of FDI.

Monterrey, Nuevo León September 7, 2016. Workers at the Kia automotive assembly plant in the municipality of Pesquería. | Photo: Araceli López
Monterrey, Nuevo León September 7, 2016. Workers at the Kia automotive assembly plant in the municipality of Pesquería. | Photo: Araceli López

This supports it Rodolfo Hernandez Sadaexecutive director of international business and agribusiness at the bank Santanderwho stated in a forum that the new investment It takes a while to report to the country because they are long-term plans and you trust that they will arrive.

That we have not seen it in such a direct way in this quarter or so far this year, or even last year, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. We can tell you that there is preparation both on the part of them and of the country to receive this foreign investment, which we are sure it will happen“, he explained.

In total terms, Mexico received FDI between January 2019 and June 2024 around 199 thousand 992 million dollars, 1.7 percent less than what was accumulated in the administration of Enrique Pena Nieto.

However, the government stated that there are accumulated during this year 166 public announcements with an investment expectation of 48 thousand 35 million dollarsmainly in sectors such as manufacturing, commerce and transportation.

“Foreign direct investment is practically reinvestment of profits“There is very little fresh investment, the great potential is that figure and we have to give it legal certainty so that it arrives,” said the national president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), José Medina Mora.

Origin of capital

USA It is the main origin of foreign companies that invest in Mexico, since they accumulate a capital of 83 thousand 830 million dollars during the six-year term of López Obrador.

In second position are Spanish companies, with an amount of 18,864 million dollars, 7.8 percent higher than reported in the administration of Pena Nieto.

“Mexico’s investment landscape is positive because the fundamentals are good, the country’s debt is at reasonable levels, with positive employment levels, as well as consumption and nearshoring It’s an excellent moment that nothing changes“, expressed the president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce (Camescom), Antonio Basagoiti.

During the administration of Lopez Obrador There were constant differences with Spanish companies, mainly with Iberdrola.

Mexico remains open to foreign investment from Spainlegal businesses that are not done under the protection of public power, that are not done through the most influential, that have nothing to do with the corruption“said the president in July 2021.

The Mexico City was the entity with greater uptake of foreign capital with López Obrador, by adding 59 thousand 420 million dollars.

Secondly, it is located Nuevo Leon with 18,995 million dollars and is followed by the State of Mexico with 12,787 million.

Monterrey, Nuevo León September 7, 2016. Workers at the Kia automotive assembly plant in the municipality of Pesquería. | Photo: Araceli López
Monterrey, Nuevo León September 7, 2016. Workers at the Kia automotive assembly plant in the municipality of Pesquería. | Photo: Araceli López

Company ranking

The most important movements that have been recorded in the last six years highlight financial restructuring of Aeroméxico after the pandemic, which is estimated to have been for 5 billion dollars, followed by the merger between Televisa-Univision for 4.8 billion; both happened in 2022.

In the mining sector, the Media Luna mining project stood out in Warriorfor 848 million dollars, while Volkswagen expanded its production capacity in Puebla with a 763.5 million dollar car painting plant.

The French company Engie announced the construction of gas pipelines in Yucatán, Tabasco, Campeche and Chiapas, for two billion dollars.

In the retail sector, the Walmart de México project stood out, the same one that injected 1,862 million dollars for its growth in Mexico, while the Spanish energy generation company, Tango Solar, put 1,172 millionfor a hydrogen plant in Sinaloa.

In 2023, the most relevant investment was strengthening logistics processes and development of Fintech solutions by Mercado Libre with 1,600 million dollars, and in 2020, Microsoft announced the construction of a Data Center for 1,100 million dollars and the construction of new facilities in Tequila, Jalisco for 500 million dollars in 2021 by the company Diageo.


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