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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sian Chiong, tired of the comments he receives after leaving LCDLF- Grupo Milenio

In an interview, the famous actor Sian Chiong has expressed that already he’s tired of all the comments that the public continues to carry out against him and that, despite having acted in jest and apologizing, these situations they have not stopped; We tell you the details below.

During his participation in the program The House of the FamousSian Chiong was pointed out in many ways and forms due to the improper acts he carried out during his stay in the house, social networks collected jokes, acts and situations that involved him in different controversies; however, He continues to be the victim of criticismdespite having left the program a couple of weeks ago.

Sian Chiong attacks the comments made to her

This moment went viral on social networks, as users of the platform xbefore Twitterthey shared a video where You can see Sian Chiong tired of everything he has had to live after having participated in the successful Televisa reality show.

In the same video clip you can hear Sian talking about the joke she made about spitting in the contestants’ food, explaining that it was just that, a simple joke; however, even though he has publicly apologizedthe comments against him and his attitudes have not stopped.

“People don’t understand explanations (…) I offended you, I asked you for an apology because I did something that you didn’t like, I understand and empathize that you felt bad about what I did; Now I am feeling bad about what you are doing, I asked you for an apology. Why are you not able to accept the apology and forgive? Because something hurt you that I am sorry for, but you continue to hurt me and it makes you happy, because your justification is ‘he hurt me first,'” were his words.

Watch the original video here:

Sian Chiong assures that she did not enter ‘LCDLF’ for fame

During a talk with René Franco, SIan apologized for what happened in the reality show: “I take responsibility in the sense that when people point out to you for something you did wrong, and you see yourself in that video that they are pointing out to you and you say ‘Yes, I sound really ugly.'”

“Do you just want good fame?” the communicator questioned.

Then the Cuban gave an answer that caused surprise: “I didn’t get in for fame, I entered because work doors opened for me“.


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